Gally - SSA Galileo [AU]

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It had always been a cat and mouse game between the two of you, with no distinct winner. However, this time, it seemed you had been bested.

"Howdy, detective," you drawled as you were shoved against a wall (in a manner entirely different from usual) with your hands forced behind your back. You felt the cold steel of the handcuffs clipped onto your wrists immediately. They were locked quickly, and then the pressure against you lessened, though not by much.

"You're under arrest for ordering the murders of Jackson Bloom, Heidi Parker..." His partner droned on and you tuned him out as he read your Miranda Rights. You looked over your shoulder, your eyes landing on Agent Gally. You threw him a taunting smirk.

Yeah, getting involved with a cop was always a bad idea; an FBI agent though-that was worse. But you didn't like to play things safe.

Gally, with the other man distracted, shot you a small, tight-lipped smirk straight back. You weren't able to savour it, as it fell almost immediately as it appeared, and then you were being hauled out your front door.

There were policeman lined up and down the street, a few of them with their hands poised on their weapons as their eyes trailed after you. You almost had the chance to bask in the glory, until you were forced head first into a dark car. You struggled upright and quickly observed what was going on. Gally and his partner exchanged a few words outside. He made for another cluster of cops while Gally got into the driver's seat.

You leaned forward, resting your head against the divider with a pout. Gally swivelled to face you.

"Oh Agent, how I wish it was you who'd pushed me up against that wall," you whined indignantly. His lips quirked just a bit, in that way you knew he was considering it.

"I might just oblige you."

You let out a breathy laugh, falling back into the padded seat; it never ceased to amuse you how he always could say things like that with a straight face.

Your eyes settled on Gally's through the mirror as his partner clambered into the car. He looked back at you and you just smiled brightly, earning a scoff. Gally, however, seemed to enjoy the display.

"Hey, detective," you chimed, using the pet name again. "Think we can grab some chum along the way? I'm starving."

"You're being brought in on murder charges and you're worried about food?" His nameless partner asked in disbelief.

"C'mon, D. You know how prison food is. It'll make her arrest that much sweeter," Gally coaxed.

As it goes, you both knew you were never gonna end up in that prison cell. It wasn't much your style. Meeting his twinkling eyes in the mirror again, you decided your luck was all but naught just yet.

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