Chapter 7 - Sugar

Start from the beginning

"Stop staring like that... you looks like Gollum." 

He grins at her and her mouth formed an 'o'.

"Blue-eyed Gollum." he muttered before leaving.

"Go-gollum?" ..... "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

He cackled, hearing her yell.


"Ehhhhh!?" Lev cried.

"She's different?" Inuoka curiously asked.

"Yeah. Totally different!" Yuki exclaimed. "We saw her this morning when we meet up with Tsukki. She greeted us, covering her face but I noticed that something seems different when I tried to peek on her face... She seems...ummm... how could I say it?"

"Prettier." Teshiro continued. "She got prettier."

"Really!?" Lev look at Teshiro with wide eyes. "Prettier!? On what way? She's already one of the prettiest girl for us, without even trying."

"Ah... you're right... you're right." Teshiro and Yuki nodded.

"But there's something really new to her."

"What were you guys whispering?" Kei intervened, hearing his teammates conversation.

"Oh, Tsukki! These guys were talking about Kou-senpai! They said she's different and got prettier. I can't understand. What happen!?" Lev panicked.

"Oi! Oi! What are you talking about, huh!?" Tora exclaimed when he walk-in with Shohei.

"Calm down, Tora-san." Shohei held the ace's shoulder.

"Are you talking about the way she look earlier?" Kei huffed. "She looks weird, right?" he snickered.


"Hmph!" Kei startled when Yuki and Teshiro shouted at him.

Because of their loud voices, the third years and Kenma heard them.

"Did I heard it correctly?" Kuroo squint, watching the young boys in chaos, bombarding questions on Kei.

"Ow, it seems Hana wins." Kai laughs.

"Eyy! How can Kou let her win!" Yaku clenched his jaws. "I can't accept this. Can I sit-in at your class, huh, Kuroo?"
Kuroo frowns lightly, wondering what was happening.

"Kou-san, should've listen to me." Kenma said, sighing heavily.

"What are you talking about?" Kuroo asked, brusquely drying his hair with sweats.

"Hana and Kou had a bet on who would die on this show they were watching and I think Kou lost." Yaku started.


Kai smirked, patting Kuroo's back. "See it yourself."

"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad." Hana exclaimed. "Right, Yakkun... Kai?"

"Hey, we came here to see you." Yaku said, laughing.

Kou scowled on her friends while covering her face. She was with Hana, Yuri, Yaku and Kai outside Class 3-5's room.

"Yah, you're here to laugh, you morons." she said and about to hit Yaku but he dodged it.

"Nye." he stick out his tongue on her then laugh again. "Oh, where's Kuroo?"

"He's inside." Kai pointed.

"What? Is he tutoring some chick again? He should avoid doing that in front of Kou-chi."

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