
"Thank you Hilary" Finn replies.

She nods then smiles sweetly at him before walking off giving a clear shot for him to take a peek at her butt.

Some ladies!!

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Finn, want to try fried pickles? They are good too" I offer more food options to him.

"No, Syd I am good" he tells me as he eats another french fry. He looks over and notices that they were hiring there at this little Coney Island restaurant.

"This is my chance Syd! Look they are hiring! I could get a job here and earn cash to buy you a real ring!" he tells me with excitement.

"Finn you might want to wait on that. I am sure there will be other options here to take" I remind him.

"I really want to get a job now. I want to marry you" he sighs.

"I know Finn. I want that to. But there are lots of other jobs out there. Let's look for one that is right for you" I offer help.

"I could not help but over hear you. Sorry. But you are looking for a job handsome?" Hilary slinks back around here. I groan. Great. Great, great, GREAT.

"Yes I am" Finn tells her.

"We are really short staffed for a dish washer. I mean it only pays a little bit. But if you are in need of a job I know old Bob will hire you today!" offers Hilary.

"Really? Even though I have never been a dish washer in my life?" laughs Finn.

He looks excited at the job offer. He had no idea what Hilary was up to. I did. Oh I sure did.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

"Really. Come to the back with me sweetie and we will hook you up with a job!" she offers with a smile.

"Is that okay Syd? I will be right back" he asks me.

"Sure. This is your life. Not just mine" I sigh.

"Wonderful! I will be right back" he tells me with excitement.

He leans over and kisses my cheek then follows Hillary to the back room to fill out paper work. My cell phone rings. My MOTHER. Great. Bonus of the day.

"Hey Mom" I answer.

"Sydney I thought that you were going to come to the wedding? Last I knew you were moving back home with me to? What is going on? And WHO is this FINN? I keep hearing about this Finn fellow from your Grandma" she grumbles.

"Hello to you to Mother. Finnagin is his full name. He is my boyfriend" I explain. "No I am not going to the wedding" I tell her. "I am not approving Dad's wedding. I changed my mind on going. And I am moving here" I tell her.

"Sydney! I know nothing about this FINN. And your Grandma is nuts for letting some guy just move in with you like this! Sydney I do not like this" she warns me.

"Mother! I have never had a serious boyfriend before. I thought you would be happy for me" I snap. "And Finn is not just anyone" I grumble.

"Sydney, I have not met him yet..."

"So this is what this is really all about! Right? That you have not met him yet? So sorry my life does not revolve around YOU Mother" I snap.

"Sydney! Watch your tone with me. I have had all I can take from your Father and this sad excuse for a wedding! I do not have to take this from you!" she grumbles.

"Mother, I have to go. I have another call" I snap. I hang up on her as I hear "Sydney! Don't you do this...?" Bye Mom. I just did it. My phone rings again. It was Grandma thankfully.

"Sydney warning your Mother is on the war path about Finn" she sighs.

"I know she already is ragging on me about him living with me. She just does not understand" I grumble.

"She might feel better once she meets him. I am sure that will be better for her. Give her some slack. You are her only child now" Grandma reminds me.

"I know. I am trying Grandma. I am. She and I will never get along" I worry.

"Someday you will" she promises me.

"I got the job! I got it! I start tomorrow! Can you drive me to work?" Finn asks me suddenly.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

Excitement glows on his face.

"Sure" I say as I nod yes. He kisses my cheek.

"You are the best" he tells me as he rushes back to the back again. I sigh.

"What is going on with Finn?" Grandma asks me.

"Finn found a job. He wants to get one to buy me a wedding ring he says" I tell Grandma.

"Oh you did not know the clip was to be engaged?" she asks me. She knew this to?

"Why did you not tell me that before?" I groan.

"I know all kinds of things you never listen to me about" she has to point out. I groan.

"I am happy he is getting a job. I want him to like living with us. I do. But Grandma, I do not trust or like this girl who is helping him get this job. I think she has our eyes on my Finn" I grumble to her.

"Well why not apply for a job there to? You need a job right?" she says.

"Gram! You are brilliant!" I exclaim with joy.

"Thanks doll! Good luck" she tells me as we hang up. I walk over to Hilary.

"So you are hiring help?" I ask her. She nods.

"Uh-huh" she says as she cracks her bubble gum in her mouth.

"I just lost my job. I could use one to. What kinds of positions do you need?" I ask her.

"Waitress" she offers.

"I will take it" I tell her. She nods.
"Head to the back. Ask for Bob" she tells me then walks back to her work.

She did not seem to like me at all. The feeling was mutual.

I head to the back to get a job so I could keep my eye on HILARY.


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