I'm just scared - Part 4

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(All credit to the owner of that photo!)

Dream's POV

When I teleported me, Error, and Ink to the base Error crashed. I don't understand why though, he's been captured before and he knows we don't hurt him. When he rebooted the fear that came off of him was staggering.

"P-PLe@sE d-dOn'T hURt mE..." He said in a frightened whisper. This shocked me, he always acted so full of himself and his friends when he was captured, making Ink mad and sassing me. 

"I jUst w-WannA kNow wH-WhaT hApp3nEd tO NIghT aNd C-Cr0ss..." My SOUL shattered looking at how sad he was. A tear fell to the ground, I didn't even notice he was crying ( Pay more attention to your boyfriend Dream T-T)

"I'm sure their okay," I crouched down to his height and wiped away the tears. "but who did this? The sadness that is coming off of you is dreadful." 

"I-I cAn't s-sAy..." he started shaking "hE'lL fInd ouT! hE'll-" Then he was interrupted by Blue walking in. Normal. He was dragging two beat up skeletons. Not normal. 

No-one's POV

"C-CR0SS!! N-NIGHT!!" Error yelled and was about to run over, then he saw Blue and crashed.

"ERROR?! I thought I told you to run!" Cross said, he had multiple broken bones, Nightmare looked worse having lots of little scratches and cuts all along him.

He rebooted "I-I dId... tHey fOUnd mE..." then he looked down."h-hOw aRe y-YoU nOt d3Ad??"

"WE WOULD NEVER DIE TO THE HANDS OF THIS ASSHOLE!" Nightmare yelled. And I'm sure the readers wouldn't like it either. He thought to himself

(author tries to fix the fourth wall but fails.)

"so Blue attacked you?" Ink questioned Error. He could hardly believe that the glitch would have done anything.

"Of course I didn't! Why would I ever do that?!" Blue said, trying not to be discovered. "i found these two knocked out when on patrol!"

"LIAR!" Cross yelled. He was furious at the fact that Blue was about to away with assault.

"Brother, you can feel Error's fear, I know you can! We're telling the truth!" Nightmare said. If the 3 of them got thrown in prison they wouldn't be able to escape, and he knew this.

"Error, is it true that Blue attacked you?" Dream asked. He wanted to confirm they were telling the truth.

How are we going to get out of this?  Nightmare thought to himself.


(377 words! hope you enjoyed this chapter, I have school so I can't post often anymore<(  ̄^ ̄)

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