"Thank god. Okay, uhhm... So yeah. I literally love Jisung with all my heart, body and soul. There is a chance he falls for me as well, but he is unaware of all of this. Because of what I just mentioned, of course." Minho shuffled with his feet, finding them very entertaining suddenly.

"But that means you two will end up together though, right?"

"I mean, I am human right now. Even though I still can do some things humans can't, I'm not an actual Angel. He is unaware of me being his soulmate, so there is a chance if I mess up or he ends up moving away or whatever, that we may not end up together."

"Then what? Won't you have failed?" Minho shook his head, signaling that wasn't the case. "All I technically have to do is make sure he is alive and safe. If he dies of natural age, I just go back to 'Heaven' too." Minho used airquotations for 'Heaven', not really wanting Changbin to think it was exactly what the Bible stated.

"Wow... I can't believe Heaven and Hell are real. W-Wait, scratch that! You're here because Jisung is in danger?!"

"Well, more or less. He has issues with himself, right? I can feel when something's wrong with him. I had that feeling the first week I had transferred, on Friday? I had it the entire day, then it left for the majority of Saturday but it returned in the evening. I didn't know what it ment on Friday but figured it out a little after. I called him on Saturday and the feeling went away, so yeah..."

"Friday..." Changbin thought back, realising it was when Jisung had attempted to take his life. There was no way Minho could have known that. If the wings thing didn't convince him, Changbin sure was convinced now. It also ment Jisung had wanted to do it after he had left, a small frown appearing on his face. He really thought the boy had been okay when he had left his house on Saturday, now feeling slightly guilty he hadn't realised that wasn't the case.

"Well, I'm glad you risked going to Hell for Jisung. I promise I will not tell anyone about it, I'm sure not a soul would believe me anyways. Now that you said this though, I am pretty convinced Jisung likes you too. Not 100% sure though, but he seems to at least feel the soulmate connection. I can tell he is comfortable around you." Changbin let out a sigh of relief, finding out just how pure Minho's intentions and feelings towards Jisung were. He doubted he was a demon lying about being good, remembering the way Minho would look at Jisung like he was the only star in the night sky. Knowing angels existed sure changed his whole perspective on life, though.

Changbin ended up leaving shortly after their conversation, wanting to give Jisung a call as soon as possible to make up. He really wanted for them to be on good terms, feeling guilty for his words. He also did not want Jisung to do anything stupid.
So, as Changbin walked along the stairway to his floor, he pulled out his phone. It was a little over half past seven, meaning Jisung should have already arrived home from work. He quickly dialed his number and waited for a couple of seconds. Honestly, he wasn't sure if Jisung would pick up but he hoped the younger did regardless. His prayers seemed to have been heard, the ringing stopping.

"Hey hyung." He heard Jisung say. He felt a pang of guilt go through him, not hearing the nickname Jisung only ever called him by. He hated how cold 'hyung' sounded, coming from his best friend.

"Jisung, I want to apologize for saying the biggest asshole statement of the century. It wasn't in my place to call out your mental health like that and I promise I will never do it again. Truth is, I am afraid of you ending your life. It is just how it is and I don't want to lie about that. However, I have no right to hold that over your head in the way that I did. I know how hard you're trying and for me and to say that like you don't try at all was really fucking aweful of me. I'm so sorry Ji, I love you so so much and I just want to help you. I'm sorry I act like a parent sometimes but I feel like if I don't do it, no one will. I'm so sorry, p-please forgive me. I should trust you, I know you're not a child anymore. I'm really sorry." Changbin hadn't planned on what to say, but when he started talking he just couldn't stop. All his thoughts that had clouded his mind were coming out now, needing to let Jisung know his true feelings. He heard silence for a moment, until he heard a quiet sniffle.

"D-Don't make me cry stupid, I'm in public you prick." He heard Jisung say, but he knew he didn't mean it in a mean way. Changbin let out a slight chuckle before apologizing.

"I-I'm sorry. But I thought you'd already be home by now?"

"Well, I had to run an errand. And Changbin... I apologize too. Truth is, I did run three errands for Jackson." Changbin's heart dropped upon hearing that. He felt slightlt dissapointed, but he knew better than to just start getting angry. He realised that if Jisung had gone to Jackson for errands, something really had to have been up. "Why?" Was all he said, trying his best not to sound dissapointed.
"My dad's rehabilitation thing cost a lot of upfront money and I have to pay rent before the day after tomorrow. I needed around 400$, but then I'd have no money for food. I initially asked to work full days this week, but I couldn't. I even tried to do a night of rapping or singing on the streets, but I got an anxiety attack right before I was about to head out. S-So I went to Jackson hyung. You know he liked me, so he has a soft spot for me. I explained my situation and he told me I could do three deliveries and he'd pay me $1000 by tomorrow. I couldn't say no, Binnie." Changbin's face fell, feeling sadness wash over him.

"Why didn't you just tell me? I could've helped you out, or you could've eaten at my place." He asked, voice soft and laced with sadness.

"I don't want to bother you with everything, hyungie. You do so much for me, I don't want you to have to do more. Besides, you know I hate having debt with anyone. Don't worry, Jackson knows it was only a one time thing, he won't ask me again after this. And it's enough to cover this months rent and with my salary, it will cover next month too."

"Alright then. I understand. Just promise me next time you come to me. You know that I only want to keep you away from Jackson because of the people he hangs out with. I don't want anyone to lay a finger on you, alright?"

"Y-Yes, I know. Binnie, thanks for calling me. I felt aweful as soon as I walked away."

"Tell me about it, I felt like I had backstabbed you, but then from the front. You're okay, right?"

"Yeah, I-I am. Thank you for your apology, I'm sorry too. I'm actually nearing my house right now. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Maybe text you later, too?"

"Yeah, for sure. Talk to you later, love you."

"Love you too."

The call ended, Changbin letting himself fall onto his bed. He let out a sigh of relief, glad to have talked it out. He was upset his suspisions had been right, but at least Jisung had been honest about it. Even though the confrontation between the two had made him feel aweful and scared, he felt like it was something that would have eventually happened and he was relieved they fixed it not even 6 hours later.

He closed his eyes hoping to fall asleep, only for that hope to be crushed as he felt his empty stomach growl, begging for some food.


A little more of Changbin's POV, as well as Minho's .
^^ I hope you liked this chapter, I think it turned out pretty good.

And I couldn't keep the boys mad at each other, we all know that a). They love each other too much and b). If I hadn't done this, Jisung would've probably lost it.


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