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Real Name: Julian Ivo Robotnik

Villain Name: Dr. Eggman

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'3"


Villain Costume

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Villain Costume

Villain Costume

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Quirk: Egghead

Type: Mutant

-Julian's brain is able to process and think nine times faster than the average human.

Personality: Julian is a short-tempered, raucous, pompous, and cruel evil genius with grand plans to tear down Hero society and build the "Eggman Empire" atop it's ashes. While he is arrogant, he is also incredibly intelligent, able to create machines and devices far ahead of anything seen in just a few days. He loves to see those he sees as beneath him -which is everyone- struggle only to realize he's already won against them. Despite his intelligence, he is known to act in odd and immature ways at times, especially when he is either bored or angry.  


-Julian was once a US government agent tasked with building advanced weapons and technology, but was sent to federal prison when someone found out about one of his secret projects, code-named "Roboticizer".

-Julian was bullied by his classmates as a child for his high intelligence. Used his first invention, the "Swat Bots" to nearly kill one of his bullies. He was expelled, but after that no one dared to cross him for a long while.

-Julian was abused by his father and neglected by his mother in his early childhood. After running for his home, he took up the name "Ovi Kintobor" for a period of time.

-Julian was born in the U.S, but "raised" in West London. As such he picked up an English accent, but usually keeps it in check. It only comes out when he is very angered or excited.

-Julian absolutely hates interacting with other people, seeing them as both inferior and incompetent, which is why he wants his empire to consist of nothing but obedient and well functioning machines.  

-Names many of his inventions after eggs, since eggs are his favorite food.

-Julian's IQ is recorded in being over 300, more than double of Albert Einstein's. He takes a great pride in that fact.


-Egg-O-Matic: Eggman's go-to mode of transportation. A single seat, multi purpose hovercraft that is universally compatible with almost every creation Eggman has made and is used as a makeshift escape pod. The pod is filled with a wide array of weapons.

-Badniks: Eggman's killer robot army, built with high speed, solid defense, and fire power in mind. The robots are powered by energy cores Eggman calls "Chaos Drives".

--Moto Bugs: Robots designed after lady bug that are able to reach speeds of Mach 1.

--Buzz Bomber: Modeled after Wasps. Able to fly and have a single laser cannon as a stinger

--Nebula: Egg shaped robots that are designed for bombardments. Have a single cannon on their lower halves.

--Snail Blaster: Designed after snails, can climb onto almost any surface and have twin cannons on the top of their shells.

--Balkiry: Based on hawks, and can fly at Mach 1 speeds along with having homing devices built into them, making them almost unshakable.

--Egg Pawns: Humanoid robots that can take on various tasks. From grunt work to using several weapons in battle, making them one of the most versatile Badniks.

--Swatbots: Humanoid shaped robots that can take on multiple tasks, much like the Egg Pawns. Unlike the Egg Pawns however, the Swatbots are made far more durable and used in battle much more. As a consequence, they are usually few in number.

-Egg Hornet: A flying vehicle with several missile launchers and a drill diving attack.

-Egg Walker: A large four legged mecha with two shoulder missile launchers and several projectile weapons.

-Egg Viper: A giant viper based mecha equipped with several laser beams that fire intense beams that can create small explosions.

-Eggtank: A mecha that takes the appearance of the Egg Mobile with two large legs and a laser missile launcher called the Volkan Cannon.

-Egg Wyvern: A large mecha made in the design of the dragons of the same name that originate from Africa and has a large assortment of lasers.

-Egg Lancer: A mecha combination between a beetle and a devil fish with several detachable cannons and a pincer attack.

-Egg Dragoon: An imposing red mecha with design similarities to that of a dragon that has several flamethrowers on one arm and a drill that can be fired as a projectile on the other, along with two ice cannons on it's legs.

-Egg Emperor: A large humanoid robot with a built in spear and shield that doubles as a large laser cannon.


Power: 2/6-D

Speed: 3/6-C

Technique: 4/6-B

Intelligence: 6/6-S

Cooperativeness: 2.5-D+

Theme Song: E.G.G.M.A.N. by Paul Shortino


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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