Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- Dumbledore's Research
Location: Headmasters Office, Hogwarts, Tuesday June 1st 1992. 7:00Am

In the headmaster office, Professor Albus Dumbledore was pacing, now this was not a surprise to anyone because those who knew the headmaster well knew he paced a lot, this was to help with his thinking. Now you may be wondering why is such a person thinking after school had just broken up? Well he was thinking about a boy who was suppose to be a part of his plans. However, because of this one boy! you heard that right, because of one boy it was all falling a part.

Let me tell you a secret that shall stay between the two of us. Contrary to people's belief Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore was not a good person. Some may argue and say that anyone and everyone can be a good person but Dumbledore doesn't fit into that category.  He has done many bad things in the past some of which i can't tell you but you need to find out through Hadrian, but lets continue..

"T-T-THAT BRAT! WHERE COULD HE BE! WAIT NO IT COULD BE THE UNCLE'S FAULT! I'LL HAVE TOO SEE IF THAT MAN DID KILL MY WEPONE!" The old-aging headmaster yelled to himself not realising that the portraits could hear him. The portraits however were staring in shock. Never not once had Dumbledore spoke like this, he always had his 'grandfather façade' but they realise that he was fake and the way he acted was fake so the question is What was true? With a pop he was gone leaving behind a mountain of question unanswered.

Vernon Dursley was a man of many words, he was well known in his work he even was a manager to his company but because of this many people fears him and his son. You see Vernon cared very dearly of his son and only his son.

A few years ago his wife had died by suicide...well that's what they want people to believe anyways... They had all pitied him and he had claimed he had gain his wife's 'fortune' when in reality it was his nephews but they don't know that.

His house was perfect, his son was perfect, his job was perfect. There was nothing out of place what's so ever. That was until a man in hideous clothing appeared on this beautiful day.

Albus Dumbeldore was seething. However, that didn't stop him from apparating in a secret spot. He sneered at the same style houses wondering why people were so bland and not have colour in their homes. If I'm being honest I'd rather live in a place where the style of the houses are the same then dress like Dumbeldore, but this isn't about me! So let's explain what's he's doing at Privet Drive.

He stormed up to the house, getting strange looks from the neighbours but he took no notice. He didn't even bother to knock on the door he waved his hand and the door flew open with a loud 'SWOOSH'

Because this is a friendly book! I'll explain what actually happened in a future years! Don't look at me like that! I need a story to tell you later don't I??

From the outside, because the door was wide open people could hear yelling, banging and other noises. Then the house went completely quite. There was not a sound or peep coming from No.4 Privet drive. Some people took no notice, some did.

All they saw was the man in Hidious clothing escaping the house to never be seen again.

Location: Unknown, Malfoy Manor, informal Dining room. Monday 15th August 1992. 8:30Am

The Malfoy family plus two guest were enjoying their morning Breakfast when three owls landed on the table. One was the colour of brown and black feathers. The second one was coloured in Red and black and the last owl was of pure Snow White. The three Owls gave their package/envelopes to their owner before a taking food and taking off to their nest, except the Snow White owl.

Hadrian had received quite a few letter And presents. However, he paid no mind to them as the Daily Prophet had pipped his interest.

Daily Prophet


The title says it all Ladies and Gentlemen. Harry Potter is dead. Some say it was death eaters because the Dark mark lay above his house.

Harry Potter lived with his Muggle family and a few days ago a house in Surrey had taken on fire and the other houses had caught on fire. Some are unsure how the fire started but muggles call it a 'gas leaks' However the House had Muggle-repelling charms and through the charms the house looked abandoned but did indeed light on fire with the dark mark clear for all viewers to see.  The only question on my mind and I'll try to find an answer for you my readers are "is Who-must-not-be-names Alive? 11 years ago did the Dark lord not actually die and had he survive? Mark my words dear readers I'll find out all I can!

Find out more on Muggles on page 2&3, Halloween night on page 4&5 and the Dark lord on 6&7

Reeter Skeeter

(N/A who doesn't like a nice cliff hanger? I do 😂😂😂😂 I wanted to give a shout out too angelbaby198 Thanks for the support on my books! It means so much too me it makes me want to write more to finish this book off! Anyways have a nice day and make sure you check out my msg because the schedule going to change!)

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