Chapter 21 | 14 years

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"Wait, baseball?"
"So are you on the team?"
"Yea actually."
"So your going to be in the cages?" I could feel my hands warming up.
"So that means-"
"Okay I'm on the softball team."
"Oh." He bit his lip, shocked. "You don't look like-I mean you don't seem like a softball player."
"I know. I get that a lot."
"But, question."
"Answer." I totally just failed at being witty.
"There's practice today after school right?"
"Yea, yea I think so. Why?"
"I-I was wondering if you would- I mean you don't have to-"
"I would want to do anything with you." My face got red as soon as I noticed what I have said.
"Um. Okay. Well I would like for you to come with me down there?!"
"Sure." I nodded politely.

I didn't notice that we were the only ones talking in drama class. As soon as me and Conner was finished talking it seemed like the teacher was watching the whole thing.

"Are you guys finished?" The class rumbled with laughter. I just looked at Conner and nodded.
"Yes." I looked at her straight in the eye. "Sorry about that actually."
"No. Don't apologize. This is drama. We need to have romance."
"Wait what!?" I looked at Conner and he was as pink as my pencil eraser.
"Yes. Romance. We see it between you."
"I'm not sure on what to say next mrs."
"Don't say anything because while you guys were talking, the class was talking about auditions for our play we are going to be producing. It's hairspray. I want you two to be the main characters."
"Us?" We said at the same time.

I start to leave for home in the carpool when I see Conner running after me.

"Hey! Leigh! Wait up!"
"What?" I turned around and Conner smacked me right in my nose.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"
"What were you trying to do?"
"Scare you by pushing on your back, but it happened to be your nose."
"Yea this bloody nose can tell." I raise my head up to make sure the blood doesn't fall.
"Don't worry! I'll get tissues!"
"Okay thanks Conner?!"

He came back full of tissues.

"Thanks." I say with a pig like voice.
"Okay so we need to head down there or we will be late."

We headed down and he lead me while I had my nose up in the air.

"Girls in one cage while the boys in another. You will be playing each other. Whoever wins will get pizza this Friday."
"Awesome." Said mostly everyone rubbing their stomach from not eating the horrible cafeteria food.

"Okay well thanks for walking me down."
"No problem."
"So I'll see you in the game."

I went in the batting cages and put my bag down. I took my mom's lucky bat out and made the markings of l and c.
"There." I said. "A generation."

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