Chapter 2 | 6 mths

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I woke up with a man rocking my crib. He was tall, broad chested, with a scruffy chin. He had dark eyes and dark hair. He would whisper to me words I couldn't understand. He barely opened his mouth when he said those words, so I couldn't lip read.

"Hi honey. Your here early. I missed you."
"Well I wanted to get here fast for my girlies."
"Well she hasn't seem her father for about 6 months now, and you missed the birth."
"I realize. I have failed you for being here. I know. I was so busy. Building buildings for the military is a unending job. I tried to get here as soon as I could. We were under attack from Iraq. We were in hiding for a month! Then we had to finish the building. After we finished, we were released. I'm so sorry. I love you, you know that right? Well I love you both."
"I didn't realize. You were in danger and I didn't even think. Sorry and I love you too."

My father I came to know is a gentleman. He respects my mother. I wish I find someone someday who might actually treat me well. But I also hope these Iraq people don't hire my husband for building buildings to have war.
I blinked my blue eyes because they stung from having sleepy eye. I wanted it out of my eye so;

"Oh I'll get you sweetie."
"No I'll take care of her. I want to spend some time with her since I haven't seen her since that ortral sound."
"Ya okay. Well I'm going to make coffee."
"Decaf please."

My dad picked me up out of my crib making my head prop back just a little. It was still comforting to be in his tan bold arms. He looked at me with those dark,warm, chocolate eyes. His eyes began to turn a light pink around his pupil. Just as I saw this, a drop of tear came rushing down his now blushed cheek. He was crying but I didn't know why. I wanted to make him smile so I grimaced. He grinned right back. I then noticed that wasn't sad tears, it was happy ones. Happy ones of looking at your daughter for the first time, feeling the warm soft skin in your arms. And dad, it was happy for me too. To finally have a father here. Something always felt missing but, this hug, this comforting little cuddle filled in that empty gap.

"Leigh, your... Your beautiful."

I smiled.

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