Eva: it's okay.

Kowalski: you know. Every show we done, Hope would try and find her family around the world. [ sniff ] I know hope wants to find them, but the truth is, I don't want to let her go if she does find her family. Is that bad to say that?

Eva: no! It just means you care about her that made you feel she's family to you!

Kowalski: [ smile ] thanks Eva. It just, Hope really wants to find them and want to learn about her past, her powers came from and why they left her. Hope really wants to know about them for a long time.

Eva looks away from Kowalski, worrying about how Kowalski is about react by the truth of hopes past.

Eva: hopes...not a penguin...

Kowalski smile slowly fades from what Eva just said.

Kowalski: what?...

Eva: ...7 years ago, hope was a creature that went wrong by transforming inside an egg. She was thrown away at middasoda. But then. private took her in. That's why she has her powers.

Kowalski: but, how do you know it's true?

Eva: hope gave me her DNA that revealed the truth about her past. I'm so sorry Kowalski.

Kowalski: ...who created hope?

( 5 seconds later )

After Kowalski found out the truth, he walked up to Eva's team and his brothers with a sad look on him.

Kowalski: is it true. [ north wind and his brothers looked at Kowalski. ] is hope not a actual penguin?

The north wind froze by Kowalski question. They looked at each other and back.

Private: Kowalski... what's going on?

Kowalski: hope...found her family.

Private: t-that's great! Why did you ask hope not a penguin?

Classified: because she isn't!

Private: [ turn to classified] ...what?

Skipper: what's going on? Classified?

Classified sigh in sadness before speaking.

Classified: we found couple days ago that 7 years ago, hope was created in a tube and transformed her inside an egg. She's not a penguin.

The penguin stood there in shock, Finding out the truth about hopes past. Then, private asked about hopes creator.

Private: w-who created hope?

Classified didn't reply and looks away from the penguins, causing private to gasp in realisation.

Private: no. Please don't tell me its-

Short fuse: [ frown ]...Dave the octopus....

Skipper: he's the one who created hope?!

Classified: yes, but we will stop him-

Private: [ angry ] oh~ and how are you gonna stop him! Get hope to have a another scratch like from middasoda!?

Classified: private, clam down-

Private: CALM DOWN!?? my daughter is in that submarine with Dave and something bad is going to happen with hope!

Classified: unless we stop him!

Private: oh here we go. Here comes the north wind, protector of animal that took my daughter away and took her for a dangerous mission that cause her to get kidnapped by Dave!

Penguin of Madagascar the movie. ocOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant