Chapter 26

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The plane has landed in Shanghai. The door opens for the bags, making the penguins made there escape without getting spotted. They went to the exit entrance of the airport to find a taxi.

Skipper: So this is it. Shanghai's famous Little Dublin district.

Private then notice something on the wall.

Private: Skipper, look!

Skipper: I see you, Private. Who's the big boy standing on his tippy-toes?

Private: Wha...? No, I mean...

Skipper: I just want to eat you up.

Private: Skipper no, i mean look! Dave's next target... Shanghai's famous mermaid penguins.

Skipper: Good eye, private. And once again, you've proved that you are a meaningful and valued member of this team.

They made it to Shanghai Marine world where Dave's next target is. After the announcer gave out his speech, Dave comes in as a human wearing a underwater suit. The penguins are propending to be back pack to keep an eye out for Dave.

Skipper: Keep those eyes roving, boys. Dave is a master of disguise. He could be a small child, a house plant, maybe even you or me! Is it you, Kowalski?

The boy came in to get somethings from rico's mouth and grabbed a bag of chrisp. As the kid leaves, skipper spotted something.

Skipper: Wait a minute. [ skipper grabs out his binoculars and spotted the underwater suit guy grabs out a fish with his tentacle. ] Bingo! Nice try, Dave! Operation Flash, Splash and Crash is a go!

Kowalski: Splendid!

Skipper: Take positions.

( meanwhile with north wind )

They flew off in the jet to get to Shanghai. While they were flying, hope was staring lovely and dovey at classified/ Patrick while he was driving. When classified took a glance of hope, she quickly looks away with blush, making classified smile. They haven't stopped thinking about they're kiss from last night-

Eva: sooo~ you look happy from last night.

Hope: [ sigh lovely ] yeah, it was amazing.

Eva: [ smirk ] you guys kissed. We saw you. Sorry.

Hopes eyes went wide and turned to Eva with shock and started to blush bright red.

Hope: why!

Eva: because we want to see you guys get together. And also we made a bet and me and corporal lost.

Hope: [ shock ] okay, thank you for telling me this Eva, I will kill you and our friends after this.

They stayed silent for a minute when Eva broke silents.

Eva: so...are you two a thing now?

Hope: [ frown ] I...I don't know...I mean, we will go to our separate ways after this. I don't think we are.

Hope looked down on the floor, wishing there adventure would last forever. Eva wrapped her wing around her for comfort.

Eva: hey. Just because we're go our separate ways doesn't mean it's a goodbye, it's a see you soon.

Hope: really?

Eva: [ nodded. ] after this. You need to tell the boss how you feel.

Hope: okay.

They landed on the dock, outside of Shanghai Marine world. They got out the jet to work on a plan.

Classified: okay team, Dave the octopus is going to catch the penguins in there. Now all we need is to make sure-

Penguin of Madagascar the movie. ocWhere stories live. Discover now