Chapter 28

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The north wind and the penguins found Dave's submarine where hope is captured at night. They're hiding on top of the hill while Eva is keeping a look out for dave by using binoculars.

Classified: [ radio ] Eva? What do you see?

Eva: My count is 30 hostiles.

Kowalski: 31.

They're eyes meet while holding the binoculars.

Kowalski: Those two are very close together. I mean, you know, intertwined, physically, but... but not in...

As Kowalski was trying to explain, skipper and private came out of there hiding spot.

Private: Ixnay on the irtflay, Kowalski.

Skipper grabs the binoculars to take a look at the submarine.

Skipper: Poor hope. Alone, helpless in the belly of that beast.

Kowalski: We've faced some long odds before, Skipper, but these look like the longest and oddest. If we're gonna pull this off, we'll need a diversion.

Camo Tech: Deactivating jungle camouflage.

The camouflage shuts down, showing short fuse, corporal and classified.

Classified: Shh! Would you be quiet?

Skipper: Listen, Classified...

Classified: Short Fuse, [ turning on the camouflage ] you were supposed to handcuff them to the rock!

Skipper: Don't you hologram me!

Skipper turns off the camouflage.

Short Fuse: I tried, but they don't have hands. They just have flippers, boss. And I have flippers! So it's flipping useless!

Skipper: All right, pooch. If you won't work with us, you better work for us. Our plan requires a diversion.

Classified: I give the orders around here. Much as it pains me, I need you to act as our diversion for our operation, understood?

Skipper: Nope! This is our plan, and it requires you to cause a diversion.

Classified: Die-version.

Skipper: Dih-version.

As skipper and classified was arguing, Kowalski and Eva went back from what they're doing when Kowalski spotted a scratch on eva's wing.

Kowalski: huh? That looks new?

Eva: [ turn to Kowalski with confusion. ] what?

Kowalski: your wing is scratched. Sorry, I just notice it, that's all.

Eva: no, it's okay. I got it from middasoda when the wolves scratched me, hope saved my life. [ sad ] your niece is very good at survival skills.

Kowalski: yeah, we taught her good. [ chuckle sadness. ] i remember when hope was about 1 months old, I use to take her to the woods when we spotted a cave. Hope was getting scared, saying " uncle Kowalski, I'm scared! ". I told hope she can hold my fin once we go in. That was the first time she called me uncle.

Kowalski chuckle a bit and slowly stopped with sadness, started to tear up from his memory of hope. Eva gave Kowalski a sad look, Missing hope as well.

Eva: you know...when she was with us, it made me feel closer to her as a friend. She was like a sister to me...[ tearing up ] and I will NOT let anyone take her away from me, and her family.

Kowalski suddenly hugs Eva, making her shocked, and her heart beat faster.

Kowalski: oh, sorry. [ Kowalski stops hugging ] I just need a hug. That's all.

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