11 - Angelic Healer

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For the second time, Xiu Ying shocked the crowd. Ignoring their looks, Xiu Ying bows, "Your Majesty, allow me to tend Prince Yang. I'll try my best to cure it."

"Ye- yes. You may." Wu Jiaying said.


Inside the guest room, Xiu Ying stands beside the bed. Wu Zhang Wei, Wu Jiaying, and also Xiao Qing are also present. The others are not allowed to enter, including Li Na.

The physician is currently applying acupuncture on several points of Lijun's body. From time to time, Lijun awakes due to shortness of breath.

A few minutes later, Jing Yi came with two bowls. Taking a sniff at the liquid, Xiu Ying passes it to the physician. "Please help him to drink this." The physician obediently did as he told.

In just a few minutes, Lijun's breathing is smoother. The physician quickly checks on his pulse and it surprised him that it is much better!

All of them breathe a sigh of relief.

"This one, give him when he's awake. As for the redness and scars on his body, I'll help to prepare some paste or ointment to make it fade faster."

Wu Jiaying walks closer to Xiu Ying and takes a hold of both Xiu Ying's hands. "Thank you Concubine Li. Thank you so much. We didn't know what to do if you're not here."

"It's my responsibility, Your Majesty. It is part of my fault too."

Wu Zhang Wei couldn't contain his smile. 'Seems like your mother is not lying about your medical skills.'

Xiu Ying excused himself in reason to prepare the ointment.

Meanwhile, in Yanxi Palace, all the servants didn't dare to move or even make a tiny sound. Teacups have been thrown to the floor, broken into pieces.

"Damn... Damn... Damn you Li Xiu Ying!!" Li Na shouts.

"So smart aren't you? Ha!" She slams the table.

A female servant crying and trembling while kneeling on the floor. She jolts when Li Na abruptly turns to her.

"You! What did I ask you to do?! I asked you to put the poison inside the prince's bowl! Why didn't you do it?!"

While sniffing, the girl said, "Bu- but My Lady. I- it was impossible to do so. The inspection was too tight. Con- concubine Li ordered eunuch to taste the meal in front of the person himself. I won't have the chance to do it."

"If you didn't put it then how can the silver spoon turn black?!"

"I- I just soaked it into the poison then brought it with me. When I saw the prince collapsed I quickly put it on his table and pretend that he used it."

Li Na slaps the girl hard, making her fall to her side. "What an idiot. If you didn't put it then there's no need for you to mention it at all. Do you intend to make me look like a fool huh?!"

The girl begs, "N- no! My lady! It's not like that! I just- never thought Concubine Li could detect it. As you can see, even the physician didn't know what happened to Prince Yang. So, I'm just.."

Li Na laughs out loud. "Whatever. I don't want to care anymore and I also don't care what will happen to you. If you dare to mention my name, I'll make sure your family will be living hell."

She waves her hand, asking other servants to drag the poor girl out of her room.


The next day, Lijun wakes up with a sore body. It was because the allergy caused some damage to his immune system.

[under editing]Transmigration : Wake Up as an Annoying ConcubineWhere stories live. Discover now