Chapter 23: Crazy Move

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“Are you avoiding me?” He asked with that expressionless mask still on.

“What?! Me? Why would I?” I rambled in a high pitch voice and I cursed myself for sounding like that.

He raised an eyebrow at me, clearly not convinced but he didn’t push it further.

“Okay then. Come on, I’m driving you.” He reached for my hand and immediately our hands connected, I felt the tingles crawl up my arm and spread around my body.

“Um... Alex’s driving me.” I quickly snatched my hand back and looked back at Alex for help.

“Oh no, I can’t. I have uh..detention.” She stuttered a little and I knew she was lying because she didn’t tell me this before, and we were already on our way home until we saw Ryan.

“Detention? Since when and for what?” I asked looking suspiciously at her.

“That’s what I said,” She scoffed and shrugged looking at anywhere but me, and I knew she wasn’t going to be of any help.

Looking back at Ryan, I think of another excuse so as not to be in the same space as him.

“I uh...want to take the bus. It’s more... refreshing,” I lied, hoping he buys it.

He raised an eyebrow at me, clearly not buying it.

“Okay, Sam,” He sighed and I thought he was going to leave me alone, but boy in was I wrong. “I either carry you to my car over my shoulder with you kicking and screaming and attracting a lot of attention to us or, you could just walk and follow me quietly.”

I was shocked at how calmly he said that like he was talking about the weather.

I looked back at Alex and found her still standing there but looking at everything but us.

“You’re kidding, right?” I forced a smile out, not yet sure if he was cracking a joke.

He didn’t say anything but just cocked his head. Then he crouched down a little and before I knew what was happening, I was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

At first, I was still in shock and didn’t do anything, just laid over his shoulder with his arm wrapped around my legs to support my swaying form.

“Ryan, let me down!” I gasped, getting back to my senses and holding his shirt to steady myself.

“I will.” He said but didn’t drop me and instead started to walk to God knows where, as I couldn’t see my front.

I looked up and saw Alex, still standing near her car with an amused expression still on her face, before she went to open her car. Traitor! She never had detention.

I noticed other kids at the parking lot were also staring at us with amused expressions and I think I saw some taking out their phone and taking pictures of us.

Oh God, this was bad. This was really bad especially for me.

Trevor wouldn’t like this if he saw a picture of us like this, and Jenny was going to kill me!

“Ryan, this isn’t funny. Let me down.” He ignored me and kept walking, with me still on his shoulder. My backpack slid down and blocked my view, so I couldn’t see anything happening.

I could only hear some wolf whistles and some guys cheering Ryan on, and I almost died of embarrassment there.

I heard Ryan opening a car door before he dumped me into the passenger’s side and slammed the door shut. He then walked over to his side and I was tempted to open the door and get out, but the thought of facing everyone out there after what just happened wasn’t welcome.

“You happy now! The whole school thinks we’re dating now.” I yelled at him as he closed his own door shut and buckled his seatbelt.

“Buckle up cupcake, I’m not a slow driver.” He ignored me and I felt like kicking him where the sun doesn’t shine.

“Just take me home.” I folded my arms across my chest and looked out the window. Some kids were still looking in our direction and gossiping already.

“Who said anything about taking you home?” I heard Ryan say, and I whipped my head around to look at him.

“You said you were driving me home!” I almost yelled at him, frustrated at how he was behaving.

“No, I said I was driving you. I never said I was taking you home. Now, I’m hungry for some chocolate ice-cream. Hope you are too.” He started his car and pulled out of his parking space at an alarming speed, which almost gave me a heart attack as I jerked forward.

My hair was splayed around my face in tangles and waves, and I threw daggers at him through my eyes.

“I already told you to use your seatbelt.” He reminded, but didn’t wait for me and started to drive at full speed.

Quickly, I buckled my seatbelt all the while gritting my teeth and seething in anger.

“You son of a...”


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