[2] daisies

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taehyun was in his friend's flower shop, taking in the beauty of every single plant and flower on the display. he picked one piece of rose and brings it close to his nose, sniffing the fragrance of it. it smells good and it was addicting. he even closed his eyes, enjoying the smell.

"hi, taehyun. would you like to buy that?" a pretty guy, soobin, kindly suggested. taehyun slowly opened his eyes, his long lashes showing off.

he smiled, putting the flower down, "no, i was just appreciating it."

soobin nodded in understanding, "why are you here, by the way?" he asked, walking near the flowers as he sprayed them some water to be fresh.

"college is stressful, i need a break." he reasoned out, pressing his lips into a thin line as he looked for more interesting flowers.

soobin chuckled, "yeah, just say you missed me and go."

taehyun laughed as well, "please, be glad there's someone who still misses you." he said, grinning.

"well, what should i do? my impact was too strong that you can't get me out of your mind." soobin winked, lightly nudging him on his side.

"you're right. i wonder how yeonjun control himself from melting in front of you. that guy is whipped." taehyun giggled as he continue to tease soobin.

soobin playfully rolled his eyes, "what do you mean? that friend of mine isn't like that." he denied but taehyun sees the tip of his ears going red.

"that friend of yours is definitely in love with you. you can't change my mind." taehyun teased even more, causing soobin's cheek turn into a crimson.

"s-shut up!" the older stuttered and taehyun laughed even more. but a ringtone coming from soobin's phone interrupted their bickering. soobin excused himself, disappearing from taehyun's sight.

taehyun was left alone. he randomly hummed a melody, forgetting what song it was. he slowly walked around, touching every flowers he sees. he pauses when he sees his favorite flower, daisy.

he softly smiled, carefully tracing the petals of it. it was a simple flower but it was very special to him. maybe he loved how daisies stood out the most.

he was too busy staring at the flower that he didn't notice the bell ringing, signalling that someone entered the place.

"they're beautiful, aren't they?" a whisper from his right ear made him jump out of shock. he looked for the owner of it and was met the unexpected person he'll ever see.

"you, again?!" taehyun exclaimed, unbelievably staring at the stranger he met at the café the other day. the guy simply plastered a sweet smile, moving on his side. taehyun watched him pick up a single daisy.

"there's something different on daisies that everyone loves. no one knows what exactly that is, though." the stranger states as he stares at the flower. taehyun ignored him and instead, he lightly touched the petals of the flower before them.

but when he felt something was tucked in his ear, he retracted his gaze from the daisies and looked at the other, who was standing so close to him.

without thinking, he slaps the arm of the stranger. the guy hissed and giggled as he rubbed his arms. taehyun glared at him, removing the daisy on his ear. damn, he felt his ears heating up, "what do you think you're doing? and why are you here? are you my stalker?"

the stranger stopped chuckling, "relax, i was trying to appreciate the beauty."

taehyun frowned, "what does that have to do with me?"

"duh, you are the beauty." the stranger winked. taehyun hated how he almost blushed at that remark. he avoids the other's gaze, convincing himself that he shouldn't like what the other said because it was absolutely weird.

"that is what a kidnapper would definitely say. you are one of them, confirmed." taehyun told to him, backing away from the other.

the stranger glanced at him with amusement, "you still see me as a kidnapper? and here i am thinking we're already friends."

taehyun snorted, "friends, my ass. you don't even know my name."

"then, shall we introduce ourselves?" the guy suggested. taehyun rolled his eyes and released an exhausted sigh. he doesn't have energy left to deal with this guy.

taehyun only paced around, his back facing the other guy. he ignored his last statement since he can't imagine being friends with the guy who loves to spoil. instead, he goes to the carnations.

"aw man, you're gonna ignore me?" he heard the other whined. taehyun cursed under his breath.

seriously, what's wrong with this guy?

he proceeded to the sunflower section, touching the yellow petals of it. he can hear another heavy footsteps coming from his back and heard the figure sighed.

"c'mon - i just wanted us to be buddies, is that too much to ask?" the other added, taehyun imagined him pouting like a kid behind his back.

"we only met the other day. i don't even know what do you do for a living, how old are you- and you're doing these weird things to me! can't you just leave me alone?" taehyun said, without looking at the stranger. then, it became quiet.

the deafening silence starts to eat taehyun. is it too early to say that he find it unusual to not hear the other's voice every minute? the clock continued to tick - but there are still no single word escaped from the stranger.

several minutes slowly passed by and taehyun heard the stranger released a void sigh, "fine, i'll leave you alone."

shit, why do i feel guilty?

taehyun played the hem of his sweater and chewed his cherry lips, thinking what he should do for the other. should he say sorry? or let the stranger go away since that's what he actually wanted?

he haven't catch on to any sound of his footsteps so maybe he's still there, right? taehyun shuts his eyes and gulped, "please, don't feel bad. i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. i swear! it's just that, it is really hard to trust someone these days-"

"taehyun, who are you talking to?" soobin's voice echoed inside the place. taehyun furrowed his brows and turned to look at him. he scanned his surroundings, searching for the stranger but there's no sign of him.

his brown eyes went to the door, it was left open. maybe, he already left. how did he not notice that, though?

he stared at the confused soobin, "you have a customer, earlier. i think he already left." he replied, causing soobin to whine.

"no, did i lose a customer? ah, that sucks." soobin pouted, causing taehyun to coo at the sight.

but he kept wondering,

will i ever see him, again?

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