14. Could Feel So Good

Start from the beginning

When I finally finished my shift, I went to get my stuff, passing Marrie's office as I did only to find her chatting with Dick. I would sneak away, but, Dick had already seen me.

Now, five minutes later, I got myself sitting on his passenger seat, on our way somewhere.

"So, how's your day?" Dick opened.

"It's mediocre so far," I responded. "How's yours?"

"So far, it's ordinary," Dick answered. "I do hope your day is getting better."

"We'll see," I smiled.

"Okay. So, since we're both just got back from work, I think it's fair that we go somewhere... not as cool?" Dick proceeded.

"Oh, thank God for thinking so," I sighed in relieved.

"Yeah?" Dick briefly turned to me with a huge grin.

"Yeah," I confirmed. "You can take me to a farm and we'd be cleaning up stalls and I won't mind."

"That's a good idea, though," Dick commented. "But, I'm not taking you to a such shitty place for now."

"This date is something that will determine if we should go stable, you know," I said.

"I'm not horsing around," Dick promised. "Besides, I thought you're saddled with me already? You know, with the Rachel situation."

"Hay," I warned, but, I got cut off by my own laugh and Dick's.

We didn't stop laughing for a good few seconds.

"At least we don't start this date with long faces," Dick said once our laughter died down.

That got me laughing again.

"Oh, my God, are you okay? Or do I need to bring you to an ex-horse-ist instead?" Dick questioned.

I forced myself to stop laughing saying, "Neigh." Then, I laughed again.

Dick parked in the Wayne tower parking lot. Then, he led our way to the subway station located just by the front of the building.

I didn't know what his intention was, but, the train was kind of full of people going out on a Friday night that no one really noticed us. Well, no one really noticed Dick to be exact.

On the middle of the route, the car we were in got kind of packed that Dick and I ended up in a corner. Since I was facing sideways, my shoulder got pressed against his chest and I tried so hard not to think about it much. That happened for the three minute ride to the next station.

Dick, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind it. In fact, he had one arm around my shoulders, his hand held my other shoulder as if I could get dragged away by the current that was Gotham citizens being wild on a Friday night.

Three quarters down the route, the train turned empty. At least the car we were in. We were finally be able to sit down.

Sitting next to me, Dick stretched an arm across the sills behind me. I had myself sitting kind of angled towards him.

"So, who do you leave Rachel with?" I asked.

"She's in the manor, so, technically she's with everybody," Dick answered. "At least until Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damian go out for patrol."

I didn't say anything as a response, but, I must've made a face because Dick tilted his head as he looked at me.

"What is it?" Dick asked.

"She knows about this?" I asked, gesturing him and I.

"Of course. Actually, she doesn't stop telling me to ask you out. So, I did," Dick explained. "Not that I won't ask you out if she doesn't force it on me. Though, I must say that if she didn't, I might still not have asked you to go out with me."

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