(Y/N) (M/N) Hamilton

451 11 1

3rd person POV
Word Count: 1128
Warnings:suicide mention


How does a b*stard, orphan daughter of a wh*re and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor, grow up to be a hero and a scholar?

The 10 dollar, founding mother without a mother got a lot farther by working a lot harder, by being a lot smarter by being a self-starter.

By 14 they placed her in charge of a trading charter.

I was so excited! I am officially the first female to ever be put in charge of anything in general, I hope you're watching me now mom, as I take the next step closer to creating my legacy!

And everyday while slaves were being slaughtered and carted away across the waves, she struggled and kept her guard up. Inside she was longing for something to be a part of. Our sister was ready to beg, steal, borrow or barter.

Then a hurricane came, and devastation reigned.

(Y/N) cried as she hid in her closet for protection, silently praying that something good would come from this. Though she felt as if nothing good would but she still needed to keep any form of hope, as she hid from the hurricane that was currently destroying her town.

Our girl saw her future drip, dripping down the drain.

(Y/N) felt a sudden wave of doubt hit her as terrible thoughts of anxiety began to form in her brain. She was beginning to lose hope has she felt that she would never be able to accomplish the dreams that she had planned out perfectly in her mind. But she quickly erased those thoughts of doubt as she realized that she would not give up on creating her legacy anytime soon.

Put a pencil to her temple, connected it to her brain. And she wrote her first refrain, a testament to her pain.

(Y/N) worked for hours writing. Writing down anything and everything that she saw or thought about, wrote everything down far as she could see. She would do anything to get herself out of the mess her life was.

Well the word got around, they said "This girl is insane, man!". Took up a collection just to send her to the mainland "Get your education, don't forget from whence you came And the world's gonna know your name. What's your name ma'am?"

"(Y/N) (M/N) Hamilton," she answered proudly "My name is (Y/N) (M/N) Hamilton And there's a million thing I haven't done, But just you wait, just you wait.."

When she was 10, her father split, full of it, debt ridden.

"Papa?" a young (Y/N) questioned her father was standing in the doorway about to leave.

"(Y/N), what are you doing up?" her father asked nervously as he turned to face his daughter.

"I heard you coming down the steps and i wanted to see what you were doing." (Y/N) answers.

"Well, I'm just going out to get some stuff for your mother, papa will be back soon." He answers her.

"Oh ok!" (Y/N) answers excitedly

"Now go back to bed." The man answers shooing the young girl away, little did (Y/N) know that, that would be the last time she saw her father.

2 years later, see (Y/N) and her mother bed-ridden. Half-dead, sitting in their own sick, the scent thick.

And (Y/N) got better but her mother went quick

(Y/N) lied in her mothers arms to weak to move, as her mother sang softly to her while trying to provide the young girl some more warmth. "Ma?" (Y/N) questioned as she soon she heard her mother suddenly stop singing, with her new found strength (Y/N) turned around to face her mother who's eyes were now closed and body was limp. (Y/N) began to cry while begging her mother to open her eyes. "Mama please wake up.. please" she sobbed as she hugged her mothers now limp body.

Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide. Left her with nothing but ruined pride.

(Y/N) screamed loudly horrified of what she had just saw of her cousins body hanging there limply. She collapsed on the ground face pale and full of tears as she tried to process what she had just seen.

Something new inside. A voice saying, "(Y/N) you gotta fend for yourself". She started retreating and reading every treatise on the shelf.

There woulda been nothing left to do for someone less astute. She woulda been dead and destitute without a cent of restitution. Started working, clerking for her late mother's landlord Trading sugar cane and rum and all the things she can't afford.

(Y/N) laughs excitedly as she walks home, she had finally convinced her now current employer to hire because of her intelligence, which he had first refused to because she was a girl, but he finally saw how smart she was he had to hire. She stops and looks up at the sky praying that her mother could see her now and see how far she has come.

Scanning for every book she can get her hands on.

"Hey! Get back here, you runt! That girl just stole my book!"

Planning for the future.

Everyone had always said that (Y/N) out her life was just her way of fantasizing, but deep down (Y/N) knew she was planning out her life goals and was making her mother proud.

See her now as she stands on, the bow of a ship headed for a new land, In New York you can be a new again!

(Y/N) stood on bow of the boat wearing her fathers old green suit holding her hands out, waiting to shown the place she had nicknamed the 'new world'. "Just you wait!" she sang repeatedly as she looked out to harbor

(Y/N) (M/N) Hamilton, we're waiting in the wings for you. You could never back down, you never learned to take your time

Oh, (Y/N) (M/N) Hamilton, when America sings for you. Will they know what you overcame? Will they know you rewrote the game? The world will never be same.

Oh, The ship is in the harbor now, see if you can spot her Another immigrant coming up from the bottom Her enemies destroyed her rep, America forgot her

We fought with her

Me? I died for her

Me? I trusted her

Me? I loved her

And me? I'm the d*mn fool that shot her

There's a million thing I haven't done

But just you wait

What's your name ma'am?

(Y/N) (M/N) Hamilton!

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