"Alright then, don't over do it, and oh, later.... When you have time, give the dog a walk around the dump? Along with your sister?" as she stood up and my sister already knowing what that means skipped out of my room,

"Mk..." I took a moment to think, "I might do it right now, after my game," I saw a small smile on my mom as she gave a nod and closed the door behind her. I placed my headset onto my night table as the stranger sat onto the edge of my bed again. The mask on his face made it so hard for me to know what he's thinking, or even anything about him. Feeling more confident and overall curious,

"Who are you?"

The stranger simply shrugged, looking around my room, and then patting the bed to feel it's texture somewhat.

"Uh- well.. D-.. do you have a name?" I wasn't sure if I should be asking that question to a human-that-is-not-really-a-human.

Again the stranger shrugged, and I was getting more frustrated to be honest.

"Well, you know why you're here in my room? O-or what you are?"

The stranger shook his head, but then mumbled something that I couldn't even hear.

"Uh, could you repeat that?"

"I don't know..." his tone was nervous, and timid. His voice was sweet but overall had the ting of a lemon, I couldn't describe it if I was forced too, his voice was also airy, not deep or high but you can tell he's pretty innocent and wasn't lying.

"Oh, uh... Ok... you're not human, you know that right?"

He nodded, scratching his mask but then putting them onto his lap again waiting for the next question.

I bit my lower lip and the something stupid crossed my mind, as I put my hand towards him, face up, like I was waiting for him to give me something.

"Do you mind, I don't know but I have a theory, there was this hacker in my game, Dream... I think he had the same mask as you... I wonder if that's the reason you're here and.. This sounds stupid but I wonder if you're somewhat connected to me? You're in my house and no one else can see you but me,so just place your hand onto mine and see if you glide through it?"

The stranger or now, Dream, looked shocked or confused, I couldn't tell. Hesitated before nodding as he placed his hand to mine but instead of going through like Floof, his hand placed onto mine like it was actually there. I frowned slightly because this just opened a few thousand doors from my tiny little theory, but Dream beamed that he could actually touch something. He placed both hands onto my one hand as he turned my hand, he actually turned my hand to it's back, I could feel him do it,

He wheezed, "What the fuck," still not taking his hands off my own.

I got to admit, he had a contagious laugh, or more like wheeze from a kettle.

I let out a weak chuckle but stopped when I felt a quick shiver down my spine how careful he was, I quickly put my hand down, Dream froze but also retreated, the tension of the air thickened.

I stood up from my bed and grabbed a jacket from the ground, my room had clothes everywhere. I looked at Dream and sighed, "Just, stay here for like a minute, I just..need to.. You know take my dog and sister a walk,"

Dream nodded, as he fiddled with his thumbs.

I quickly closed the door behind me, taking the last deep breath for today, the tension was so suffocating, you would rather be dead...

Narrative? 3rd POV?

After Dave Booker, his little sister, Julie Booker, and Floof went for their walk around the area, avoiding suspicious shooting, loud moaning in allies, or even stains of blood on the rubble path. They went home with no scratches in sight, Dave actually took a moment to watch his sister and maybe play with her a little, telling stories about his medieval games but leaving out the bloodshed that was in it. He was satisfied when she started to react to the story with her doll again along with Floof as the white horse. He stood up from their small living room and stretched his back, dreading seeing Dream being on his bed waiting, or doing whatever he was doing the past 30 minutes. When he opened his door to his room, he saw Dream having 3 virtual menus or monitors around him, typing vigorously but stopped when Dave walked in closing the door behind him.

"How's your walk?" he hummed slightly, as he continued typing,

Dave, confused on what Dream was even doing, shrugged quickly to change the topic, "What are you doing?"

"I was researching about stuff, but then focused to games,so I started to code a plugin, I realized it's pretty popular in the community, anyways, I noticed you like to play Skywars, I mean you have an impressive K/D ratio, along with other Minecraft related games," he chatted, if someone could become more human-like and perceptive, less than an hour, Dream was that person, "I think I'll be able to finish it tomorrow, I don't need to sleep, so we can test it,"

Dave opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, Dream let out a wheeze, as Dave placed his jacket somewhere in his room and to sit next to Dream who wasn't sitting on his bed anymore but on the ground, using the bed's frame for back support.

Dave pinched at the bridge of his nose, as he mumbled, "We? Wait, what do you mean we and what's the plugin going to be about, AND," this is where he started to use hand gestures, "What research? How?"

Dream wheezed once more from Dave's confusion, as he explained, 1.) Dream could go into the station but only when Dave was on it, 2.) The plugin was a secret, it would be more fun, or something along that line, 3.) Dream actually -somehow- learned and memorize the current situation, news, and other trends in the world from Dave's headset, Social Media platforms are still a thing.

Ah shit, this is getting too long, I'll continue tomorrow, I hope you can understand this. I'm currently having a fever and a sore throat and I fear it's corona or something. Lmao, uh... see you later if I'm not dead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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