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Technoblade's POV

After I took off the headset with my already shaking hands, I caught a glimpse of a pale person on the edge of my already small bed. First I thought it was my sister - she being naturally pale while I'm more of a peach colored type-, so being the good brother I am, I shifted myself more properly towards her, forgetting for a split second what happened in the game. But then I looked more closely and I felt myself shaking again, I had a problem of being nervous to strangers and this stranger somehow got into my house and onto my bed, and watched me for how long!

And what's worse about it was that the person had the plain blank white mask, and define a person. This was a person not that freakish zombie-like shadow from before, a male to be more exact.

He had soft curly dirty blonde hair but more light brown that peeked out through his green jacket's hoodie, along with a white T-shirt which you can see because the jacket wasn't fully zipped up to his chest. Also wearing black jeans but no rips, I guess I know this guy has some formality. The stranger shifted himself as well, tilting his head.

I quickly put my hand onto my mouth, when the stranger started to move, I didn't want to scream unless I had to, I felt myself shake harder from the million of thoughts going through my brain. I wasn't brave, I couldn't defend myself, I didn't have a weapon and this guy looks more fit and not to mention a little taller than I am. I don't know if my mom is ALIVE or even my sister. I took a deep breath in, when I felt my body getting weaker than usually. I closed my eyes when I did this as well, but I quickly opened them again when I felt a soft fur ball wiggle himself through my feet, it was Floof. The dog didn't seem to notice the stranger, in fact like he wasn't even there. I was confused, and frowned slightly, and forced on the stranger again. More closely, He looked pretty surprised when he saw Floof, lifting his hand to touch it but only to realize he went through the dog. Like GO THROUGH THE DOG, he hesitated pulling his hand back towards his lap,but didn't seem to worry as much. He seemed to like just watching it snuggle up to my feet, but that's the moment I screamed,

Floof ran off; the stranger watched it run before looking at me again.

My mom ran into my room; the stranger turned his attention towards her.

My sister skipped into my room; the stranger stood up in shock when she skipped towards my night table to get her doll.

"Hey, you alright bud? What was the screaming about?" my mom quickly asked, as she sat where the stranger used to sit. My sister being too naive wiggled her toy towards my face to cheer me up or something, I quickly stopped her, not in the mood.

My eyes quickly darted to the stranger now watching from the corner of my room, before going back to my confused mom, "Er, nothing..it's nothing, just lose a game, that's all.." taking another deep breath, just seeing my family in front of me, people that can comfort me at my lowest, eased my shaking.

My mom placed her hand onto my forehead again, as she mumbled, "You don't have a fever... so bad teammates or..?" I smiled gently, I usually talk about my games to her and my sister, it's not a great topic to parents, but they support me, maybe because I'm the only source of money at the moment.

Game Tournaments = cash.

I leaned into her hand, closing my eyes once more, "yeah, something like that.... I should really get back into my game," lying once more, but lying is natural to me and with the mix of my monotone voice, it can convince the jury.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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