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Violence warning; this should -probably- be more better edited? Somewhat, anyways included Dream so poggers.

Technoblade blinked a few times before looking around his glass-like cage. He wasn't wearing his iconic heavy scarlet robe with snow-white fur trimmed at the edges along the hood as well, nor did he have his blue bandana around his neck with yellow engravings. Furthermore, his soft strawberry colored pink hair, not neo pink, but more pastel to match his olive skin, the color trait of his scarlet eyes was also not in view that usually strikes fear into the player's hearts, nor did he have his gold crown, that gleamed when the text of victory was clear in the sky of the skywars map.

No, Technoblade looked more feminine, in other words, the traits of a female, having silky ginger hair which flows down to his shoulder, having dark green eyes that fitted so nicely with his appearance, along with a pale green shirt with silver stitches along the sleeves but also revealing some cuts and rips to represent the character to be adventurous. Techno slowly touches his skin, it felt smooth unlike himself in the real-world, rough from all the scavenging. This may sound like something a pervert would do and sure, they're people out there that... do questionable things. But Techno on the other hand, likes to analyze each avatar and find a story. His mother always told him that you can tell a lot in someone's hands, silly things to say but you can tell what she really means, but also looks can be deceiving.

And that's one reason he changed his avatar so people won't instantly notice him and sweat, he was pretty popular in the Minecraft community, more specifically the Hypixel community, the largest server. But if someone doesn't know him, they'll sure notice the other cosmetics on his avatar, dressing more like a king which will surely cost more than a million coins.

He looked at the other cages in the skywars map, before quickly pulling up a menu to see all the names. He didn't see a lot of MVP+ in the lobby but one name stuck to him the most, it was non-rank named:


Techno frowned slightly, for two reasons.

Might be a Hacker,


An idiot.

Names like these sometimes get banned because it's hard for admins to remember or to write commands. But they'll unban the usar after they change it, to a more appropriate name,

The countdown started,

3, Technoblade quickly went to his kit's menu and picked the Armorsmith,

2, His eyes quickly darted to the ground, ready for impact,

1, He took a deep breath,

He fell onto the ground, he grunted slightly but there wasn't a reason to, fall damage wasn't enabled, but it felt so unnatural sometimes. He quickly went to each chest, getting materials and armor along with a non-enchanted sword, but he wasn't complaining. Techno got almost full diamond except for the leggings. He saw a player bridging to the small mid-island that connects to the larger one -which has more better loot-, Techno quickly pulled out his bow and shot the player in the leg, causing them to flinch and slip off. He heard a distant male voice:


Confirming he fell into the black abyss, splashing a speed potion to his feet from an earlier chest, - the glass from the potion dissolved so it's painless -, Techno bridge to the smaller island and jumped off but flinched when an arrow that barely hit his ear. It turned out a random player had already made it to the island while Technoblade was fighting the other guy. The random female player, pulled out her enchanted diamond sword taking the first hit on Techno's shoulder, Techno on the other hand winced but he wasn't worried though, the female player was missing an chestplate but had diamond leggings, he hummed with the realization he had the armor advantage which threw the female player off-guard, he grabbed the player's hand that had the sword and pulled her towards him causing her to go stomach first into his diamond sword - his other hand-, the wound was so deep that Techno's sword and fist went through the stomach showing multiple organs spilling out, the player dissolved from the lack of health but not with the loot and showed the kill text in chat.

Techno threw his plain old diamond sword and switched it with the enchanted one, he huffed slightly from the ginger hair that covered 95% of his face ( exaggerated ), and collected the rest of the loot that seemed important along with the diamond leggings. Still having the speed potion effect, he bridged to the larger island with the better loot, Technoblade sadly was bit behind from the fight but he managed to clean two players and then strength the person that had all the loot two times with the sword before the person running off screaming,


Techno just laughed, hitting the player into the void watching the player revealing the common middle finger at him. Dave gladly returned it.

The game revealed that 2 players were remaining, including him.

He checked the player list again and it was the same player, the


So, finding this pretty ironic, he spent some time enchanting his stuff with the Armorsmith kit and waited for this player but weirdly, the player didn't come to the larger island. Confused, but not actually, thinking this person was afk of some sorts. He walked around each island trying to find this player, he dragged his now sharpness 3 diamond sword and quickly ate a golden apple, which tasted like cinnamon mixed with apple along with some vanilla. It was cold yet warm, it had an addictive taste. He found the player but something was strange, the player was a shadow-misty like character you can barely see it's body. But something that was clear was it's plain white mask that made you have a sense of insecurity, Technoblade quickly took his sword in a tighter grip obviously frightened, finding this person an hacker when it started to ramble something obviously not english; when Technoblade approached. His breathing hitched when it suddenly, in a blink of an eye, teleported inches from his face.

'This isn't good, something wrong, very wrong,'

This wasn't like any hacker, Technoblade quickly threw an ender pearl away from this creature when it tried to grab his hand. They're different types of hackers, hackers that you know makes the games worst and just instantly meant winning for them but they're hackers that causes you to permanently lose all your stuff in the Station; and Technoblade feared the worst. He quickly typed out a command for an admin and being a well-known player in less than a second, an admin appeared. The person had brown hair and actually pretty purple eyes- wait- no, not now, the admin was next to him and floating in place, looking confused but then beamed,


Techno quickly excused this with a stop gesture, his sword in hand, pointed to the shadowy creature, who looked like it was progressing what just happened,

"There's a hacker and I wonder if you can banned it, like a good admin should,"

The admin quickly gave a thumbs up, and pulled out a menu, but then frowned,

"It won't let me, what the fuck, wait-"

The young male tried again,

And again,

But then stopped because the shadow creature with a diamond sword on hand, stabbed the admin right in the chest, the admin flinched before dissolving with the kill message in chat.

HypixelApprentice was killed by Dream,


Technoblade dropped his sword when Dream looked at him, his blank mask cracked and what Techno guessed from anger. Techno, not wanting any of this, quickly ran off and jumped off the island platform and into the dark abyss, he didn't want to know what happened to the admin or anything. But before he felt his body dissolve into nothing but code, Techno screamed in agony when this creature, Dream, grabbed his arm while floating in the air.

Techno felt tears welling up, he wouldn't be able to feel his pain, he shouldn't, never in his life in the game did he feel like this. With his other hand he tried to push Dream's grip off him, kicking frantically.


It was burning, no it was like millions of needles were pushing into his skin. He gasped for air feeling his body shaking from the sudden pain, Techno gritted his teeth when he pulled out his menu with his shaking hand and clicked,


1439 words; 

back to reality; dreamnobladeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن