worry (emily's POV)

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It's been a while since I've started working at the BAU. At first, I thought everyone would hate me because I replaced Elle, right after she left. I heard she got stabbed and lashed out and shot somebody. But I know the team appreciated her and her skills.

As the years went by, I've gotten to know everybody and I'm the closest I'll ever be with them.

Reid is like a brother to me, he annoys me with facts but I know he tries to make conversation. It's one of the things I love about him, he's awkward but you love him for that.

Morgan is like my guy best friend. We flirt with each other but that was just to cover up the fact that he had feelings for Garcia, or at least he think he does. I'm a profiler so I was gonna figure it out anyways. At least I knew he wasn't attracted to me. He's hot but he's for someone else.

Rossi is like a dad to me, to the team. He knows when something's wrong and you can talk to him about anything. That man is rich and if we didn't know each other, he'd be my sugar daddy. But sadly I call him family.

My most best friends/sisters, JJ and Penelope, are amazing. Both married (to alcohol and their job) but not ready to mingle. They've got themselves, not any time soon will they be getting a man, they're too busy.

And Hotch. I try to get close with him but he looks like he's the type to lash out if someone tries to talk to him. Yeah we have small talk but I try not to get in my feelings around him. He's our Unit Chief but lately something's different about him. Ever since Haley died, he's acted so different. I'm not saying it's weird, he's still probably grieving but it's been a while since she passed. It seems like he hides his sadness from Jack at home, and shows it here. I want to give him a hug but he's not the type to do so. He barely smiles so how would he appreciate a hug from me?

As I'm sitting at my desk trying to do paperwork, I stare at Hotch's office and I wonder what's up with him. I look back at my paperwork and continue to work.

"New case everybody," a voice says.

I turn around and it's JJ. As she walks to Hotch and Rossi's office, I ask her if she wants some coffee because I know she's exhausted since Henry was born. Will didn't want to be in her life anymore, assuming she loved someone else, so he left. JJ and Will coparent with Henry, as Will wanted to still be in Henry's life.

After making JJ's coffee, I hear footsteps. Hotch walks up. He looks like he's been working non stop.

"Have you been here the whole night?" I ask.

He nods, pours his coffee and walks into the Round Table room. I follow behind him and separate ways as you pass JJ her coffee.

"Thank you, Em," JJ says, as she takes a big swig before presenting.

*case is presented*

"Wheels up in 5 hours," Hotch says, before walking back into his office.

Hotch said nothing while the case presented. I know everyone in the room all noticed that. Hotch being the first one to leave, the rest stayed seated in our seats.

"So what do you think is going on with Hotch? It's like he's not in the zone anymore," Garcia asks, concerned.

"Don't worry Mama, he'll come around. He's probably still grieving after Haley. The man divorced her and later lost her because of Foyet," Morgan said, hold her hand.

"It's just sad, he's a single father and it must be difficult. He even has a lot of pressure on him, especially being Unit Chief," Reid says as he glances at Hotch's office.

I stay quiet because I agree with them. Hotch is going through stuff and he probably needs some space.

*fast forward to 4 days later*

"Oh finally you're back," Penelope exclaims as you and the team walk out of the elevator.

She reaches her arms out and gives Derek a big hug.

"Hey Babygirl, I missed you too," he said.

I look at them in awe because they would make a cute couple, and Derek knows that but he needs to figure out how he feels.

We finally caught the unsub, he held women captive for days. Women who looked like his wife who passed away. He didn't expect to kill her so he kidnapped women who had the same features as her.
But before he could kill another, you guys caught him in a storage unit under his dead wife's name. People thought she was still alive because she quit her job and was supposedly "traveling" but with Garcia's skills, you caught him in the act.

As I take a seat on my desk, I prop my feet up after a long day. It was only 1:00pm, so I debated whether I wanted to take a nap or get some lunch with someone.

"Hey does anyone wanna go get lunch with me, I'm starving?", you ask Reid, Morgan, Garcia, and JJ.

"Sorry Em, I'm planning on watching a documentary when I get home," Reid says, somewhat excited.

"Morgan?" you ask, hoping someone would say yes.

"I was going to help Garcia with her computers," Morgan says.

"I would Em, but Will's been with Henry for a while now, I miss him so much," says JJ.

Rossi walks out of his office and you ask him too.

"Sorry kiddo, I'm making pasta for a certain someone," putting his jacket on while holding his bag.

"Who's the lucky lady Rossi? " I tease, as he walks away.

He looks back and chuckles. Then stops. We all look at him as he walks towards us, to me. He looks at me and gives me a kiss on each cheek, and walks away.

"What was that for?" Reid asks, looking at everyone confused.

Even I was confused.

As everyone does their business, I realize I haven't asked one person. Hotch.

I walk up to his office, debating whether I should really ask him.

"F it," you think to yourself.

I knock and Hotch opens the door after a couple seconds. He motions for you to come inside. You walk in and it looks like he's about to leave.

"What is it Prentiss?" Hotch asks, putting his jacket on.

"It's nothing really, I wanted to ask if you wanted to have lunch because everyone else turned me down. But it seems like you have somewhere to be," I say.

"I'd actually really like that. I was planning on getting groceries before heading home but I can do that afterwards. It's a date," he says.

Uh, did he just say that?

I nod, and we planned on meeting at Sydney's Diner, after packing up our things and calling it a day.  We take separate cars as I figured we were going separate ways after lunch.

I'm surprised Aaron Hotchner wants to go to lunch, with ME.

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Author's Note:
i hope this first part is good! the next part is already up! but to whoever is reading this, thank u n i hope u enjoy!

Great Loss (a hotchniss story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon