Rope (14)

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I need to get to Tsukasa before he gets to anyone else.

I hesitated as I was about to open the doors, this is the only way... he'll stop killing people. I opened the doors and searched for him, "Tsukasa? Hello?" no response. I went up to the rooftop and saw all of the bodies, along those bodies he was standing at the edge of the roof against the railings, his hand on his chin leaning against them.

"Hello... Tsukasa?" he turned around to face me "Ah, Hi Y/N..." his lips curled into smile, blood on his joyful face... that expression was way out of place. "Y/N, your shaking... come to me, i'll make you feel better"

He outstretched his arms. Just as I began to walk something tie around my wrists, I looked down, red rope. "What-" I fell over, there was red rope now around my ankles "Tsukasa what's happening?" I felt a tight grip on my neck "Tsu-ka-sa-?" It was choking me, red rope was around my neck now. I slowly lifted up my head "S-Save M-e" Save me, anyone! Please!
My eyes filled up with tears as I continued to choke out meaningless words to him, Footsteps in my direction. He looked down upon me, It was like I was attached to puppet strings. "Ah Y/ N... do you have any idea how much your words hurt me? It feels like I was being choked-" the ropes tightened more as his fist clenched, my eyes widened and my knees collapsed.

"Love is painful you know? And so you'll feel the amount of pain I felt when you said those mean words... okay?"


No! Please wait-

My wrists and ankles burn, the rope is to tight at this rate my hands and feet will rip off my arms and legs! My circulation is getting cut off-

The smell of blood fills the air as I look at the end of my right arm and then to the floor, my hand. MY HAND. I let out a suffocated scream as my other hand falls to the floor, Next are my feet, I didn't want to die this way! I let out another scream as the rope slowly tears them off my legs. "A-AHH-Hhh-hh.." my throat already hurts, I grind my teeth and hold back the rest of my tears so I can see.

He grabs my detached hand and puts it on his cheek "It's so cold... Y/N are you cold yet? Like how cold I felt when you left?" I can't speak, Tsukasa, your so cruel. The rope tightens a little more, I'm going to die, I'M GOING TO DIE RIGHT HERE. "Oh well, bye bye Y/N, i'll see you soon~" he kisses my forehead on my dying strangling face. I reach out to him as he leaves and everything goes cold and black. That's when I feel a jolt of electricity.

I scream as loud as I can and put my hands around my throat


I sit up and look at my where my hands should be, they're... still attached?

"Y/N?! Please answer me!"

I look up at the to examine the face of the voice I keep hearing yell my name. A familiar face comes into my sight.

"Dad... why are you here?" He shakes his head and hugs me "Oh hunny... your alive... thank god..." I wrap my arms around him lightly. We part after a long while "Can you tell me why you're here now?" He nods "I came to drop by and give you some cookies from a bakery... since you know I can't bake if my life depended on it-" We both laugh for a second "Ahem- anyway I came into the room to put them on the bed and you were fainted on the ground... I found those defibrillators and then you woke up screaming"

I see, so it was all some sick nightmare. I look over to my alarm clock 2:20 pm "So, school's still happening?" He helps me up "School's almost over why don't you stay home-" I shake my head "No, I need to go to school, Thanks for helping me Dad, even if the defibrillators were a little much..."

I wave to him as he gets in his car and drives off, I then begin to walk to school.

Time to really go back to Tsukasa.

word count: 753

this one was a little longer-
Hopefully i'll remember to write again really soon!

Have a lovely day/night! <3

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