Confession. (5)

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"Welcome to The Broadcast Club!" he shouts that with a big grin.
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"Broadcast... Club?" I ask. They all nod.
Right. Okay, so there's just some random strange room where all of a sudden I have a different outfit and there's water, floating eyes and mouths everywhere almost. Totally normal! Yep... nothing... weird... at all.

Tsukasa's POV

I look at Y/N she looks so confused, It's cute, everything about her is cute.

What's this feeling? I feel so warm when she looks at me. I want her to be mine and mine only. If anyone touches her... I swear I would kill them, Natsuhiko didn't know not to touch her so I guess it's okay... he likes Sakura I think so he shouldn't be a problem. Yeah that's it, I like her, no. Not just like I LOVE her, yeah... I love Y/N.


I look at Tsukasa... or should I call him Yugi? I'm not sure- Anyway he seems to be thinking and... blushing? I wonder what he's thinking about...

"Since when have you known Yugi?" huh? I look over at Nanamine "Um... only since today" I look at the ground, I guess I don't know him that will unlike Nanamine or Natsuhiko. "Not true.." I hear Tsukasa mumble in my ear. When in the did he get over here- "I've known Y/N but she hasn't noticed me tell now!" he claims to Nanamine and Natsuhiko while clinging onto my back.

What..? How have I never seen him before then? I mean I know he's an apparition and all but... "Y/N, I've seen you around the school before, I watch out for you to make sure no one touches you!"
When he says that I tense up and Nanamine looks concerned.

Tsukasa blinks like he doesn't know what he's said wrong "Why'd everyone go quiet? Y/N are you feeling okay? Your body's stiff like a rock-" I try to push him off of me but it doesn't work "Y/N stop trying to get me off, I'll get off your back if you want." with that he gets off of me and I look around, Nanamine and Natsuhiko are gone.

I turn to face him. "Tsukasa... you do realize that if you watch someone without them knowing it's kind of... stalking right?" He looks at me confused "But... i'm not if i'm looking after you right?" his eyes light up a little, like he's hoping that it's true. "Well... it's a nice gesture but it's still not comfortable for me to know your watching me without me knowing." I had to say it.

He frowns "oh..." he hugs me "Sorry Y/N... Can you forgive me?" I sigh and smile "Forgive and forget."' he lets go and when I see his face it's bright and cheerful. I look into his eyes which are shiny but half lidded.

"Y/N... one more thing?" "Mmhm?" He looked into my eyes "I really really like you."

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507 words in total

sorry for the super late post!- cruddy cliffhanger- also I made Tsukasa a little bit soft in this one which he wouldn't really do- but like it's fiction for entertainment so, yEEt-

if anyone reads this then comment what your reaction would be to him confessing to you and I'm probably gonna use it-

anyway have a good day or night peeps and  remember to drink water and get some good sleep! ^^

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