Alone Together (6)

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"Y/N... one more thing?" "Mmhm?" he looked into my eyes "I really really like you"
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recap over

I felt my face get hot, there was a tint of bright red. 'Wait wh-' he hugged me "Do you like me back?-" The bell rang. "Shoot- Tsukasa let me think about it in class?" he looked upset but he nodded and let go. I patted his head "This is the last class of the day so i'll come back after school kay'?" he smiled a little "Okay" I smiled back and waved while I ran out the door. The outfit was gone and I was now in my uniform.


It was the middle of class and my face was still red, people had asked if I was sick, I replied with a simple 'no' each time. I wasn't sick, I wasn't going to lie about that. But thinking about a boy liking me made me have butterflies in my stomach. So, lovesick... is that the term? To miss someone so much that you can't think straight... I miss him. That devious smile, his voice, his golden amber eyes, his bipolar personality-

"Hey Y/N-chan?" I look over to see Yashiro "Yeah?" She puts her hand on my head "You keep saying your not sick... are you sure? Your face is still really hot and red-" "Yeah. I'm fine" I smile at her. She blinks at me "Oh.. I know what it is" She gives me a devilish grin. I roll my eyes at her and nod. Her eyes light up but she doesn't say anything.

Time skip (cause I'm sure ya'll are here for tsukasa if your reading this - v - )

I rushed down to the broadcast room, If I had to admit something right now, i'd admit it was difficult to find since we... um... well I'm not sure what we did. We... teleported? I mean he's a apparition so..

anyway!- I opened the door and just like that my outfit from before came back. I scavenged my way to the area from which I first came "in" from. I looked around, he wasn't here? I sat down on one of the couches "Hello- Tsukasa?" I felt like I was being watched but I couldn't figure out why. I sat there until he came, which wasn't long. When he came he hugged me immediately and wouldn't let go until I laughed nervously, my blush wasn't a gentle tinted stroke anymore, it was like I got a whole sunburn. When I felt normal as I could of gotten then- I looked at him. He had an amused look, he was enjoying my embarrassed face, I could tell.

"So... what do you want to do?" I managed to get out of my embarrassed self. He got closer to me, as if that was possible. He was already so close before and now his cold touch was brushing against my warm skin, it sent a shiver through my body that I managed to shake off  "You never told me if you liked me back..."  just by the sound of his voice I could tell he was upset and frustrated.

I thought once again on my decision and took a deep breath "Well... I suppose I do like you back" the last five words barely barely managed to come out louder than a whisper. I turned to face him, to see his reaction.

word total: 567 words

I'm trying to learn writing tips and reading romance novels so- hopefully that helps my writing for now on, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can!

- Sincerely, onesmallpeep

Never Leave Me Okay? || Tsukasa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now