"You okay?" I hear Jayden ask and I looked up nodding my head smiling, reassuring him.

"Yeah just thinking about something" I said and he smiled back, flipping the golden brown pancake.

"I should show this to my cooking teacher, I would definitely get a A" I laughed agreeing since he's had problems with that class.

"I love having a girlfriend who can cook and a son who can... you know cook too I guess" Gabriel said making me jump. Gabriel looked over at the one burnt pancake and he took out the orange juices pouring us glasses.

"I'll be right back.." Jayden ran out the kitchen and I took off the pancake he left and placed it on a plate that was beside the stove on the counter.

"Are you okay? You woke up this morning and ran out the room"

"You were up?" I turned around pouring the bowl of scrambled eggs on the hot pan.

"Come on you know this already... what's wrong?" I shook my head still not looking at him, focusing on the eggs.

"Your lying to me.. don't think I'm fucking stupid to not notice.. you're jumpy, clearly avoiding me and you won't even look at me" I hear his voice getting louder.

"It's nothing honestly..." He cursed under his breath and I hear his footsteps walking out the kitchen. I breathed in heavily and felt my heart pounding loudly... I do love him.


It was only Gabriel and I up in the living sitting quietly while watching our show together on separate couches. I thought he would sit next to me, but of course he wouldn't after what happened so I didn't really expect it. My phone rang loudly scaring me and I felt his eyes on me, I picked up the phone and saw that it was Jennie. I stood up making eye contact with him briefly and I went inside the dining room.

"Sorry I didn't see your message until now.. I just got home from work, how are you feeling? Better?"

"Yeah I am.. I have to tell you something"

"Your scaring me..."

"Gabriel said I love you last night... I-I don't know if he meant it or not because he was half asleep" Jennie squealed loudly.

"Oh lord... omg you know that was real, did you say it back?" She said loudly making me pull the phone away from my ear.

"No I didn't I just went into the bathroom and laid down next to him... I couldn't even sleep, isn't it too early for the I love you's" Jennied sighed.

"Gabriela Martinez... You know I know you so well and I could tell you love Gabriel ever since you laid your eyes on him.. it's not about it being early it's about you being ready to tell him" We said our goodbyes minutes after and I looked down on the phone. I sighed looking back and I jumped seeing Aubrey staring at me with tired eyes.

"When did you wake up?" I asked and she yawned quietly before sitting down next to me and placing her head on my shoulder.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but did dad really tell you he loves you?"

"Yeah he did" I laid my head on her feeling stupid.

"He really does loves you Gaby, I hope you know that. From a teens perspective I might not know what love is but I know how it looks like, you two are so in love with each other. He's scared to lose you and your scared to lose him... I won't pressure you into saying it to him...but I just wanted you to know" I lifted my head up and blinked rapidly. Aubrey left the dining room and went into the kitchen. I leaned against my hands and felt arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me close. I knew it was him, I felt my heart beating like crazy. Was I ready?

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