Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out

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Y/N's pov

Finally, after all my crying I finally stopped. I sat there with my back against the door, something didn't feel right..the base was quiet...way to quiet..I listened in carefully to the silence. Until "Do you think she passed out?" Then there was a loud smack "'ou idiot, we were trying to listen in if Y/N would say anything else!" I just sat there shocked...'do they really care about me?' I asked myself. My head was against the door behind me. I got up and walked over to my bed "Great, they are still trying" I mumbled, getting on the bed I looked over at the picture of me and my brother..I let out a sigh before laying down and going to sleep.

2nd person pov

Your teammates had left you there and instead told Ms Pauling to come over. About an hour or two she arrived and they took her to the Rec room where there was going to be a serious talk "I left work to come here, so this better be important" Ms Pauling stated walking into the Rec room. She sat down in your seat and the men sat down in theirs "So...What is it that you guys need" Ms Pauling asked annoyed "Tell us about Y/N...We know 'ou 'as zomething to do with 'er past." Spy looked at Ms Pauling just like the other men, Ms Pauling groaned in annoyance "I've told you before...she doesn't allow me to tell anyone" she was getting up, only to get pushed back down by the large Russian, sitting back down she was thinking about if she should tell them or not "Ms. Pauling must tell team" said Heavy as he sat back down in his seat "Will I be able to leave after I tell you?" Ms Pauling asked and the mercenaries nodded. With a sigh Ms Pauling rested her hands on the table

"About 9 years ago Y/N made a very close friend in high school after she saved a girl who was being bullied. Y/N was always there when she could be because she knew her 'bestfriend's' mom didn't really love her. Her 'bestfriend' was bullied for not having a father...Usually Y/N would always end up with beatin' up parts instead of her 'bestfriend'. Y/N treasures everyone one she loved so anyone who she knew and loved never suffered because she suffered for them. Her 'bestfriend' was being bullied one day at school and ran to the roof of the school, Y/N choked the bully almost to death and threw them across the hall. Then she also ran up to the roof to where her 'bestfriend' was. She would have yanked her 'bestfriend' away from the edge if the CV weren't for the two bullys that where with them, One was holding Y/N's arms behind her back and the other was telling her 'bestfriend' to jump off. Y/N screamed for her 'bestfriend' to stop and not do it. But after a few minutes of her 'bestfriend' thinking.....She finally jumped off and Y/N screamed as loud as she could while still being held by the bully...after the doctor told Y/N her 'bestfriend' was gone, Y/N broke into tears and cried all day and night...after a while the two bullys who were on the roof the day Y/N's 'friend' jumped off started bullying her but after school they were found dead in an alleyway and nobody knew who killed them, After Y/N killed the bullys it seemed a lot more better but she still missed her 'bestfriend'. Two months later Y/N was walking home from a school meeting..and when she arrived, well..she found her little sister, father, and mother dead....she saw the killer and chased them with a gun, shooting at them until they disappeared and she couldn't see them anymore. When she came went back home that afternoon she called the cops and was caught off guard from little arms that were wrapped around her waist, she turned around and..there...she saw her brother....she told him how happy she was that he was okay and that she promised to keep him safe....about a month later Y/N left her brother with her cousin and left....later after she arrived, she went into the living room and there...she found her brother on the floor, Y/N ran over to him and pulled in his lifeless body closer to hers, she told him how sorry she was and looked up only to spot her cousin dead as well...Two weeks after her now ex bestfriend's family was going to move away so they gave Y/N some of her ex bestfriend's things to keep as a memorie. Y/N was going through the stuff until she found a folded was about her....she was a target...she read through the while thing and at the very bottom of the page, signed the killer's was her ex bestfriend....Y/N was infuriated and about two days later she found where her ex bestfriend's crew was hiding....Y/N managed to kill everyone and that was it....she tells me she still has nightmares about it"

As Ms Pauling finished telling the story she didn't notice how most of the men in the room were furious, just then "I thought I told you not to tell anyone..." the voice sounded broken, upset, and was Y/N...everyone turned to look at her...she had tears brimming at the corner of her eyes..."I thought I could trust you..." she looked at Ms Pauling who was panicking on the inside, the men only gave her sorry looks "Guess you have proven to me that I can't trust anyone...." you walked out...and Ms Pauling felt a whole bunch of guilt run through her while the nine men mercenaries didn't know what to if they were lost for words....some time later Ms Pauling left and you were in your room with tear stains on your cheeks, laying down in bed not wanting to move but lay still.

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