Scenario [1]

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You constantly rolled around in bed screaming for Izuku, but he wasn't coming. Your period rained down hell on both you, and the unfortunate sweetheart. You were in too much pain, constantly wanting a hug, someone to hold your hand or someone to leave you alone! "IZUKU!!" You scream to the top of your lungs, but he didn't show.

Glaring at the ceiling all you heard was silence in return to your yelling. Stretching, you scream again, "IZUKUUUU!!" If you were to have an award for world's loudest girlfriend? You'd probably win, considering if Tetsutetsu doesn't beat you. Again, there was silence. The faint sound of fingers tapping against keys made your eye twitch.

'Wait, was he? No. Is he ignoring me?' You clench your belly in absolute pain, screaming into the pillow beside you. Very glad this pillow belonged to Izuku. Then you stop and end up spitting green hair out. It belonged to IZUKU. Your eyes slant at the door. The clicking still there. Taking in a deep breath you activate your quirk, and scream to the top of your lungs again. "IZUKUUUUUU!" The clicking stopped, and you hear a faint sigh.

When Izuku walked into the bedroom he looked very annoyed, but he spoke in such a sweet and calm tone with a smile on his face. "Yes baby?" You pouted, "why were you ignoring me?!" 'Did...did she seriously call me all the way here for that?!' "N-no! I wasn't ignoring you! Sorry, I was only trying to get my project done!" Nodding slowly you open your hand, and Izuku approached holding it. You pull him towards the bed making the boy fall, before you get on top of him and cuddle.

"Can I have [favourite snack] please!!" You cry. Izuku rubbed your back gently, "period?" He asked. "Yessss." You hissed, clinging to his shirt as another wave hits you. Your belly was surely fucked up inside and out, that's what it felt like! "Okay, anything else?" Izuku asked giving you his sweet smile again. To this you nod, "extra pads/tampons, water, pain killers and you!" Saying 'you' caused Izuku to blush deeply, "m-me?!" "Yes, you."

"B-but y/n! We c-can't know what...when you're like this!" Izuku told you with wide eyes.

To this you shrug him off, "no! I want release! It can ease my pain if I cum!" "T-then d-do something ab-about it! Masterbate!" Izuku gets off the bed quickly grabbing his wallet. "Now I'll be back as soon as possible, I still have to finish my project." Using One For All, Izuku rushed out of the house leaving behind him green sparks, then entered the nearest store.

"Thank God!" He sighed out loud. As he walked along the isle, Izuku was grateful they were still open at this time, even during this Covid 19 season. He entered the feminine products side, looking for the pads/tampons that you usually used. A man passed by, stopping beside Izuku with the same expression of his. Worry.

"Ah, hey." The guy said, waving his hand nervously. "H-hi." Izuku turned beat red. This was embarrassing! He rubbed behind his head, trying to remember your brand. The guy sighed, "shopping for the girl?" "Oh yeah." Izuku says, "it's uh...that time." "Uh-huh. Same...I can't." The man sighed again, "I can't even seen to remember her brand! I don't want to carry home the wrong thing!" "You and me both!" Izuku agreed.

He rubbed his hands together, "it's really difficult to remember too, especially since you're not the one who used these things!" Shrugging the man just grabbed a giant sized one and dumped it in the cart. "If she's mad, I'll take it. I really can't remember. Hey, good luck!!" "Thanks!" Izuku continued pondering, then realised he was wasting time!

He snatched the nearest pack and hurried over to the [item] section, grabbing the stuff you wanted. The greenette approaches the counter getting the pain killers as well, then he got himself a pack of gum. "Thank you!" He told the cashier.

Izuku wasted no time. He dashed through the rain and made it home at last, removing his mask and cleaning off the products. Next he threw his clothes off and immediately placed it to wash, taking a bath before putting new clothes on and getting your things. You were fast asleep because of the pain, but Izuku woke you up.

Jumping up your eyes ran wild until they settled on Izuku. "Midoriya?" "Yep. Sorry I took so long!" He gave you the snack, the pain killers, a cup of water and a kiss. "Thank you baby!" You cheer, drinking the tablets before going on your snacks. As Izuku stood to leave you snatched him back by his arms and pouted, "please stay!" "Y-y/n! I have to finish my project!" "FinE." Of course Izuku just brought his laptop near and lay beside you as you cuddled him. He finished his project at last, sent it in, then looked to you with love in his green orbs.

"Izu," you say, "thanks for putting up with me." Izuku only smiled gently kissing your lips lightly before spooning with you. "I love you baby." He told you gently. "Love you too, Zuku."

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