[💟] Izuku|| The Midoriya's [💟]

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We'll be making a one-shot now based on the relationship between you and Izuku Midoriya! Warning, this is gonna be long.


She sat there in his arms giggling every once in a while, whenever he'd press his soft lips against her neck or her slightly swollen belly. Y/n was living the dream life, having being married to the Number One Pro Hero, Izuku Midoriya, and on their second child. "I love you y/n," Izuku muttered between kisses, "and I love our family." He brought his lips back to her cheek and snuggled into her neck, "and I love that you're always trying to make me happy, I love that you're so strong, preparing yourself to give me yet another blessing. I love every inch of your body, and I love your smile." With a slight eye roll the s/c woman pushed Izuku's head away just for a bit, "okay! Okay! I love you too, no need to be so emotional about it!~"

Their door opened and in walked a four year old boy, with curly green and h/c hair [if your hair is dyed green just change it] ​​​​​​, his big eyes were a soft e/c, and his skin was s/c as well. He had y/n's nose, and inherited Izuku's freckles. "Yasu, what'd we tell you about knocking before entering?" The boy rubbed his thumbs together, "n-not to." Izuku sighed and sat up with his arms open, "alright, I'll let it slide this time!" The little boy quickly jumped up and Izuku caught him, holding his son in his arms as he cuddled him.

"What did you want Yasu?" Izuku asked him. The young Midoriya looked into y/n's eyes and pouted. "Mommy, dad, aren't we supposed to go to the doctor today?" Izuku face palmed and sighed. 'Shit, I forgot about that! I was so focused on a relaxing day off I forgot about my son's appointment.' He quickly looked to y/n and gave her an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry Yasu! I forgot, let's go!"

"Yay!" Yasu clinged to Izuku as he wrapped his tiny arms around his father's neck. Y/n gets up with the help of Izuku, and off the family went to the doctor.

[At the doctor]

Izuku's heart shattered just like the day he found out he was quirkless as such a tender age of four as well. He watched in pain as Yasu's eyes went from excitement, to confusion, and then utter disbelief. "Can you recheck it?" Y/n asked with a nervous smile. "Sorry, but the results are mega accurate Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya! Yasu here, is quirkless."

The ride back home was silent, and entering the house it was silent as well. Yasu didn't bother stay around his parents and simply walked off to his room, locking the door behind him. "Izuku.." Y/n started off. "I know, I have to talk to him. But I can't..he has to embrace it. What do I say, oh don't worry son, when I was your age I was quirkless too! But then at fifteen I got my quirk handed to me by All Might! I can't say that y/n. I'll end up not only revealing who I am to him, but giving him false hope." Y/n frowned rubbing her belly, but didn't say much more.

On a sunny midday y/n and Izuku went to pick Yasu up from school. They're passing by the security, when an ash blonde male stomped by them first nearly hitting y/n down in the process! Quickly Izuku wrapped his arms around her waist and asked, "are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She shakes her head, taking in a deep breath in. "I-I'm fine. Just a bit frightened."

Izuku looked up and glared at the unknown man. He walked towards him with y/n behind. Catching up, Izuku tapped his shoulder hard and the man turned around slowly. "Excuse me sir! But you hit my pregnant wife and nearly made her fall! I think it best if you apologized!" When Izuku saw his face he grew pale, but regained colour. 'Not this shit again.' The man was in fact Katsuki Bakugo!

He gripped at Izuku's shirt and glared. "I don't fucking care! Is it MY fault she's knocked up? No! Nobody told you to take your pregnant bitch here!! And next time, don't fucking touch my shoulder!!" The Number Two Hero paused, then laughed hard. "Wow! Deku?!" Izuku's face flushed red seeing some people turn heads but quickly Y/n defused their curiosity. "Is a great hero, huh?!" She yelled.

They kept on walking. Bakugo smirked and released his shirt, Izuku fixing it slowly. He still glared at Bakugo. "Sorry," he told y/n, "I was in a rush." Bakugo turned his attention back to Izuku. "So, MIDORIYA! How's it been? With your wife and all?" Izuku's glare softened. "It's been good, Katsuki."

No, he no longer called Bakugo, Kacchan. "Uh-huh. Anyways, I have to get my kid. Bye." Bakugo left and y/n kissed Izuku's cheek. "Let's just get Yasu, and get the hell out of here." They enter through the building, and sitting there bawling his eyes out was Yasu!

"Baby?!" Yasu stumbled towards y/n and clinged to her foot crying, "mommy!!" "What're you crying for?" Izuku asked getting on his knee. Yasu turned and sniffled. "T-Takaomi is c-calling me q-quirkless! A-and he called me Ro-Rokuna!" Izuku frowned and held Yasu's hand. "Son, don't cry hon. He's just angry. He's your friend!" But y/n wasn't having this. She turned and smacked Izuku behind his head before grabbing Yasu's hand and walking over to Takaomi!

Not surprisingly, Takaomi was the splitting image of Bakugo, except he had deep purple eyes, and he was juggling some marbles, then made it disappear. "T-there he is! Takaomi Bakugo!" Y/n approaches Bakugo and tapped his shoulder. "What extra?!" Bakugo yelled to her.

"Your son just called mine a Rokuna!" "Is he quirkless?" Bakugo asked. Y/n bit her bottom lip and did not respond. "Tch, just like Midoriya! That damn Deku. That's why Takaomi here called your weak kid Rokuna! Come on Takaomi, your mom is gonna be pissing on my head if I get home late again. You know how much of a bitch she could be!" "Yeah!" The ash blonde boy yelled with a scowl like Bakugo's.

Y/n frowned and held Yasu close to her as they traveled back home in the car. Izuku glanced at the through the rear view mirror, "everything is going to be okay." He says to them with a smile, but nobody responded. Yasu was crying into his mother's breasts, and she was holding him, crying into his high curly green and h/c hair saying, "don't cry baby! Those Bakugos' are going to regret hurting your feelings!" Izuku sobbed too and wiped his eyes. "Damn, DON'T CRY OKAY YASU! The next time Takaomi bullies you, look him in the eyes and say, "your words will never hurt me, because I am strong!"" Y/n nodded to Izuku and turned back at Yasu. Yasu gripped on to y/n's sweater again, then sobbed into it once more with snot rolling down his nose. "I-I A-Am S-S-Stwong!" "That's a good boy!~" y/n cued, wiping her tears.

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