chapter thirty-one

Start from the beginning

Somehow Georgia could tell she was close to the bottom within seconds. She felt a tingling in her gut, an unnamed emotion swirling there.

And then everything stopped. Georgia felt a pounding pain across her back and behind her knees. No longer did the cold wind nip at her body. She had landed.

end of trigger warning

But she wasn't dead.

Georgia slowly opened her eyes, meeting a face staring down at her. Scott McCall had tears in his eyes as he examined the girl in his arms. His own body was shaking slightly with fear. He was terrified he wouldn't be able to catch her and he'd have to witness Georgia Ray dying right there.

"Scott," Georgia's voice cracked, her own eyes damp. Scott shook his head sadly, beginning to walk with her still in his arms. His hold was tight, not even allowing her to think about hopping down. He just kept carrying her as he walked back the way he came, "Why would you catch me?"

"I love you, Georgia," Scott said at a low volume, "You're one of my best friends. You can't just die on me."

Georgia furrowed her brows as she rested her head against Scott's shoulder, staring down at her hands as she played with her ring. She was silent for a few moments before she spoke up again.

"It's not fair, everyone dies on me," Georgia argued, "You barely know me, Scott. You'd get over me in a month."

"Don't say that," Scott snapped, "What about Stiles? He loves you so much, Georgia. He's still here, his dad's still here—"

"Well what about my dad?" Georgia threw right back, angry from where she was in his hold, "Huh? He killed himself when I was four, Scott, four! My dad's not here for me, my mom's not here for me—Nate's not even fuckin' here for me and he always has been! I need him, not a boyfriend and a bunch of friends to show up to my goddamn pity party."

"It's more than that, Georgia," Scott tried to reason, "Everybody loves you. I'm sorry about your family and you don't deserve that, but we all love you. Me, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Derek, Isaac. We'd be heartbroken if something happened to you."

Georgia finally had enough and forced herself out of his arms, instead standing in front of him with an angry glare, "That's not fucking fair, Scott! Why do I have to live for you?! You and Stiles have each other, you don't need me! Stiles can go back to liking Lydia—who's not even my friend, by the way. Allison barely fuckin' tolerates me for your sake and as for Derek and Isaac? They don't even know me! If I wasn't a werewolf we'd never even talk!"

Georgia had tears streaming down her face as she shook her head again, "I'm the town lunatic, Scott, don't pretend for half a second that anyone in this fucking town would give a shit if you hadn't caught me."

"Please, just let me help you!" Scott tried one last time.

"Why should I?" Georgia chuckled humorlessly, "Everyone I know either dies or thinks I'm a total freak-show."

Scott didn't even know what to say after he watched her angrily rant. He didn't know how to properly rebuttal her claims. There was some meaning to her words, he couldn't blatantly disagree. There were very few people in Beacon Hills that gave Georgia Ray a second glance.

"You shouldn't have caught me," Georgia finished off in a whisper.

With her head now angled towards the ground, Georgia turned and continued her way home. She recognized where in the woods they were, only a few minutes from her trailer park. Scott dragged his feet as he followed behind her, feeling like a failure. He'd only made things worse, if possible.

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