For the second time, Yoongi is being discharged from the Kim hospital twice now and he's not alone anymore, he has his friends with him.

The same feeling that he felt from the first time he was discharged is back and he can't help but secretly tear up for some reason.

Yoongi and his members began to walk down the hallway and make their way to the parking lot where their parents should be picking them up.

A lot has been going on in his mind and the other six have noticed this.

A tap on the shoulder brought back Yoongi to reality and he turned around to see Taehyung, the one who tapped his shoulder, and his friends looking at him in a heartwarming way.

He raised his brow, "What?"

Nobody responded and Jimin pointed at the person right behind them.

Yoongi's throat went dry as soon as he saw who it was. Just by the white coat, black long hair, and feline eyes of the said person, he instantly knew who it was.

The woman gave a small wave and a smile.

"Jennie," The only thing that came from his mouth.

He could hear his friends chuckling in the corner but he couldn't bother taking his eyes off her.

"We'll wait for you outside, hyung," Jungkook mutters as the six continue to make their way to the parking lot and leave their leader.

The gangster and the doctor stood there in front of each other as they maintained eye contact.

Since Yoongi wasn't moving — he literally isn't moving, you'd probably think he's not breathing either — Jennie took the initiative and made small steps towards the man.

"Mr. Min," Jennie giggled. "It's so selfish of you to not say goodbye to your doctor."

Yoongi gulped, "Um.. I-"

Jennie tilted her head a bit, "I'd like to say goodbye to my favorite patient, if that's alright with you."

"Um, yes! I mean... yeah," Yoongi stammered as he tried to make a decent sentence.

The doctor found this funny and cute.

A gang leader flustered because of her. The way Yoongi is stuttering, face heating up and a small tint of bright pink appearing, and the slight quiver of his lips was enough proof that this is the effect of Jennie.

The female's lips curled into a sad smile, "I guess this is goodbye, again."

Yoongi returned her sad smile, "Yeah, I guess this is goodbye."

"I hope you don't get into any more trouble, Mr. Min."

The said man laughed, "I can't make any promises."

A somewhat awkward silence covered the area but there is warmth as they both stared at each other's eyes.

"Jennie," Yoongi calls to her with a soft voice, his heart pounding loudly in his chest.

The woman's head perked.

"I have to tell you something," Yoongi mutters.

"What is it?"

This is it, he's about to do it.

Something he'll probably regret doing in the future depending on her reaction but if he doesn't do it now, he'll probably regret it even more.

"Take a deep breath," Jennie says. "You might start hyperventilating."

Yoongi followed and took a deep breath.

Once again, he looked at her innocent eyes and her lips began to quiver as he quickly scrambles words up in his head to think about what he's going to say.

"Don't worry, I'm sure whatever you're going to say won't be that ba—"

I cut her off.

"I like you."

Jennie's eyes widened and her body went stiff as soon as Yoongi finished his confession.

"Y-you... like me?"

Yoongi nodded slowly in response, seeing Jennie's reaction disappointed him a bit and the regret in him immediately exploded.

"I know this will probably ruin our friendship," He mumbled enough for her to hear. "But, I like you and I just wanted to tell you that before I regret not ever telling you."

Jennie is about to say something when a loud yell from the other side of the hall echoed.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim stood there warily as they called out for their daughter.

They both made eye contact once again.

She walked closer to his ear to whisper something and her parents' eyes pierced through Yoongi's soul as if he feels like he's being stabbed.

"Meet me at the public park right next to the hospital garden," Jennie quickly said before waving goodbye to him.

Yoongi stared at the love of his life, his doctor, as she ran away back to her work.

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