14 | Night shift

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Min Yoongi

I sighed as I looked at the clock on the wall in my room.

11:02 PM

All of my visitors for the day went home hours ago and I already ate my dinner, but I still can't sleep for whatever reason.

I already tried forcing myself to sleep, but since I'm here lying down on my bed wide awake, it's pretty obvious that it didn't work.

Since there is literally nothing that I could do because my hands are too tired to use my phone, I went to grab the remote from my bedside table to try and look for something to watch while I wait for the sandman to help me sleep.

Just as I was focused on the show that I'm watching, my head immediately snapped to my window when it suddenly opened and a strong gush of wind poured inside.

"That scared the sh*t out of me," I mumbled to myself as my hand came up to my chest out of shock.

I looked at the clock again to check the time.

11: 34 PM

The cold wind finally became unbearable and so I had to stand up from my bed to go close the window myself. I had a bit of a hard time because the window was a bit stuck since it was slammed open by the strong wind.

As I felt the window move, I was finally able to close it without much effort, but before I could, I heard a loud noise coming from outside.

There it was, the quiet night was broken when something sounded like a gunshot was heard.

"Fireworks?" I asked myself as I saw a stream of beautiful lights in the sky and more loud noises that sounded like gunshots were heard.

I just stood there staring at the sky while fireworks erupted and lights danced across the night sky and I couldn't help myself but tear up for some reason.


"That was fun!!" Hobi exclaimed as we all got off the vehicle and arrived at a random dock near the beach.

I shivered when the cold wind met my skin, "Why are we here again? It's so cold out here and we just finished a fight, we should go sleep or something."

Jin hyung wrapped his arm around my shoulder and chuckled, "Oh come on Yoongs, loosen up! The boys are having fun, you should have fun too, leader-nim."

I looked at the five boys who are currently playing by the shore, even Namjoon ran with the younger ones. But, instead of playing with Hobi and the others, he just knelt by the sand trying to look for crabs with his flashlight.

We just finished another gang fight and because we won, we weren't able to celebrate just for a little bit because the cops were on their way and so we had to quickly drive away to not get caught or else our parents will freak out again.

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