I moved out, I didn't want to live with neglectful parents or an abusive sister.

My life was/is hell.

So would like to clear this up....

To Inko, or Telekna or whatever, thanks for at least saying 1 word to me in ten years, you did better than 'dad' at least. Sorry I was born with a quirk you didnt approve of."

"Hes quirkless though?" I asked them.

"He's not, I'm sorry but he had a gruesome villains quirk, we did this for you." Mum says.

"Okay, whatever, you are explaining why you all lied to me later." I told them.

"To Toshinori, or All might, the fucking symbol or peace. My symbol of depression. Thanks for what you told me today, it led me to meeting my new father. He may be grumpy but he's great, I'm pretty sure he could beat you in a fight. And no he is not fucking All For One, he's a made up villain, so don't worry I haven't joined the dark side. Star Wars reference or whatever.

To Izumi, let me just say this FUCK YOU, I hate your fucking guys! You are the worst person I've ever met. If you can even call yourself a person after what you've done. The beatings, ouch, thank god I had a healing quirk. The insults, emotionally scarred, self harm, depression, thank god I had my friends and lover. The suicide baiting, now that was just rude. However I hope you become a great hero with One for all and Telekinesis, you will be a challenge to be. I will see you in U.A.

To Katsumi, Thanks for not Physically hurting me but I still hate you. Words fucking hurt like Jesus mother of Christ. I'm not religious. Your quirk is strong so I expect good things from you though, become a better person, become the hero I know you can be. I will see you at U.A.

To Katsuki, Hey How are you? "

"Why's he being so different with Kat?" I asked myself.

"Sorry for up and disappearing on you. I've got two new dads and a brother, Shinsou. You are hanging out this weekend, I will give Shinsou something to give you because I know Izumi's snooping again. I will see you at U.A. I know it's 10months away but don't worry I'm still Keep up with the training regiment or I will person kick your ass. I'm in Ua on recommendation, so I won't be there taking the test with you but I'll be watching, so do your absolute best."

"His two new dads, ew fags. Why is katsukis so different, I guess that's because of the brother Shinsou friend thing. What are all those numbers? Kick his ass as if? Training though, as far as I'm aware he only trains with us."

"Dear Dt. Tsukauchi, I'm guessing they are going to call you once they find this letter, soooooo hi Naomasa, long time no talk. Wait, you only know my broker name, restart then.

Hey Naomasa it's Midori or Izuku Yagi well my last names changed if you saw the force adoption paper signed by you and Nezu already. Thanks, Email me sometime, I'm bored and got nothing better to do. Nezu keeps forcing me to play chess with him. I've only won once out of 10 times. How annoying. I installed a new coffee machine in your office, your welcome.

Welp, that's everyone I think, so goodbye. I hate most of you."

"Who's Naomasa and Nezu?" I asked my parents who looked gobsmacked.

"An excellent detective and the principal of Ua." My father answered.

"Did you really do all that to Izuku?" My mother asked.

"Ya, he's just a useless nerd." I told them.

"I am not giving you, one for all anymore, you do not hurt innocent people, unless you prove them guilty of an actual crime!" My dad shouted at me.

"That's not fair!" I shout back.

"Go to your room, you grounded, we need to talk to the Bakugous and Naomasa." Mum said again.

I growled at them and left to my room.

~Katsukis Pov.~

Inko and Toshinori came around, why are those dickhead here, I know what they did to Zuku.

"Hey we need to talk to all of you." Auntie Inko said.

I grumbled and waltzed other.

We all sat down on the couches.

My father to my right, then my mum, then Katsumi with the Yagi's across from us.

"We've already spoken to the police but Izuku ran away and got force adopted, there was nothing we could do." Inko said tearing up a bit.

Wait, he ran away and didn't tell me he's suppose to love me, I'm his boyfriend. Why would he do this?

"He left notes for both of you two." Toshinori said passing us our notes.

Katsumi read hers aloud first and burst into tears running up to her room, then I read mine aloud aswell.

"Sorry for up and disappearing on you. I've got two new dads and a brother, Shinsou. You are hanging out this weekend, I will give Shinsou something to give you because I know Izumi's snooping again. I will see you at U.A. I know it's 10months away but don't worry I'm still Keep up with the training regiment or I will personally kick your ass. I'm in Ua on recommendation, so I won't be there taking the test with you but I'll be watching, so do your absolute best."

I smirk at mine knowing he didn't just up and leave me.

"What are you smirking at, I know if Katsumi was doing this to him you were probably aswell?" My old hag shouted at me.

"What the fuck! No I wasn't, you old hag." I shouted back.

"What does the the numbers mean?" Inko asked.

"Oh that's just a simple code he new I would understand, I'm pretty sure anyone could. He just wrote 'I'm still...........yours.' I didn't say anything because Izumi is homophobic and has a crush on me and Katsumi is Homophobic and has a crush on Izuku but me and Izuku are boyfriend and boyfriend, have been for nearly 2 years now." I tell them nonchalantly.

"W-what?!" Everyone of the adults in the room ask me.

"Oh yeah, and I know everything you guys did to him and the fact he's not quirkless. You should of notice his obvious tell for lying when he was younger." I say standing up to go to my room.

"Congratulations, we support you." My parents shout at me as I finally get to my room.

"Thanks old hag, old man." I say slamming the door and sighing going to my bed and ending the night scrolling through pictures of me and Zuku on my Phone.

I will see him soon enough.

Izuku Yagi- no Izuku Aizawa. (Bakudeku). Where stories live. Discover now