"Mr. Shekhar, what are you doing here, we were expecting you in the conference room", Amaan asked while frowning.

"I was on my way, but your secretary told me there is an important file which she wants me to deliver to you, but when I went inside she started seducing me and when I didn't let her, she bit me and ran as if I was molesting her".

"What", both Amaan and Tara, who was following him, said together.

"Look, I am here representing Singhania's and won't appreciate such a scandal to hamper my image", without missing the underlying threat Shekhar said.

"Tara, take her to the room", with that Amaan removed his coat and covered her visible chest.

"And Mr Shekhar please follow me to my cabin".

Amaan was furious when he saw Asmaira's torn shirt and her hair shattered all over her face. She looked frightened would have been an understatement. She was shivering and murmuring Raina's name for help.

While in the cabin,

"So you are saying it was my secretary who first approached you?", Amaan asked calmly without showing any emotion.

"Yes, in fact, she gave me her number, saying I can contact her if I want to talk to you", Shekhar said sincerely.

"I don't know what was her motive, but I can't let her tarnish my reputation, I have been with Singhania's for more than 8 years and never in my career has anyone accused me".

"But Mr Shekhar she never said anything, in fact, it was you who is doing all the talking", Amaan said while leaning back in his chair.

"Well...I...I thought the way she cried you will accuse me", Shekhar tried to justify his stand.

"I want to show you something, please have a look", Amaan calmly showed him a video.

It was a CCTV footage of Asmaira's cubicle. To monitor her moment, Amaan had installed it in her cubicle without anyone's knowledge, hence Shekhar was fooled that his act won't be captured.

He went pale while watching the evidence and it was clear that he tried to molest her.

While he was still watching the footage, Amaan received a call from the security informing him of the arrival of the police.

He stood up furiously, loosen his tie and rolled his sleeves. Before Shekhar could react two punches already landed on his face making him fall on the floor. The next second he was kicked in his gut and mercilessly dragged out of the cabin. Amaan shoved him inside the elevator while giving continuous instruction to his security via an intercom.

Once the lift reached the ground floor, he pulled him by his collar and dragged towards the reception. Already with the presence of the police the reception was filled with curious onlookers and seeing Amaan in rage dragging a management executive created quite a stir.

Not able to bear the humiliation, Shekhar mocked him, "Ha, looks like she indeed is very special to you, I bet that's why you hired her, right? To give you company in your cabin".

His comment makes Amaan disgusted however, he chose to remain calm and walk away.

"Tell me, Mr Amaan Hashmi, who is she? One of your whore, right? The idealist Amaan Hashmi finally showed his true color and hired a whore for him". Shekhar sneered

This earned him another punch and a kick in his crotch.

"She is Mrs Amaan Hashmi and you dare touch my wife", Amaan said out each word


Even Shekhar who crouched on the floor was still. Rick's warning echoed in his mind.

Shit! He thought.

Asmaira was in one of the meeting rooms along with Tara. She was already petrified with Shekhar's attack and on top of that Amaan saw her. She was sure he would blame her for spoiling his reputation and would plan to avenge it.

BANG! The door opened.

"Tara, please go out, NOW", Amaan said while glaring at Asmaira.

Knowing his temperament, she obliges, but before leaving can not resist and says,"She is already scared, please". What he told next made her go wide eyed.

"I know how to treat my wife".

When Tara left, Asmaira's hiccups resonated in the silent room. Without breaking the stare or breaking the silence he walked towards her in rage. Clutching the coat tight Asmaira stood up and retreated towards the corner.

He will never believe me, she cried thinking she will be doomed.

"Did you give him your phone number?"he asked, still walking towards her.

She nodded her head vigorously.

"Why?", he yelled.

"He..he....told me you don't answer your phone and he will call me instead for...for the project". She managed to complete the sentence.

"Did you talk to him before?", he interrogated.

To which she shook her head.

Asmaira's back hit the wall and there stood Amaan at one hand distance.

"Did he touch you?"

This time Asmaira couldn't reply and looked at him blankly.

"Did he touch you?", he snarled, making her flinch.

She nodded.


What? How should I show him, Asmaira thought.

"I asked WHERE?", he shouted this time, his voice resonated in the silent room..

Without a second thought, Asmaira removed his coat from her and showed her shoulder where Shekhar scratched her while tearing her shirt.

She closed her eyes tightly anticipating a slap, however, nothing happened. Meanwhile Amaan called Tara for a first aid kit and when he saw Asmaira, he felt pity, he felt concern.

How dare he touch her, he cursed.

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