Chapter 3: Storm of Steel

Start from the beginning

Battlefield 1 is based upon events that unfolded over one hundred years ago.

More than 60 million soldiers fought in "The War to End All Wars".

The audience gasped loudly at the staggering number of soldiers that joined the war.

"I... can't believe it... 60 million soldiers...?", Ozpin said, unable to fathom the fact.

Roman for the first time in a long time, spoke up while having his head bow down a bit in solemn, "And many more unnamed or forgotten."

"60 millions... Last time I checked the population of whole Remnant isn't any where close to that!", Jaune said horrified.

'You would be surprised to know the number of population on that planet', Eli thought to himself amusingly.

Another sentence appeared just below the last one.

It ended nothing.

"Just like I thought", Qrow sighed and took a sip from his flask.

Yet it changed the world forever.

What follows is frontline combat.

You are not expected to survive.

Summer frowned at the last sentence. "Does that mean we're going to see lots of men losing their lives in this?"

"Unfortunately, yes.", Eli nodded sadly.

Turning over to her girls, Summer began, "Ruby, Yang..."

"It's okay, mom. I can do this.", Ruby assured her mother with a small smile.

"Yeah, mom. We are huntresses-in-training, we can pull this through.", Yang said in support of Ruby.

After a few seconds, Summer finally relented. "Alright, girls. But if it's too much for you, don't look okay?"

The screen brightened up in the first-person view of a soldier looking down at his weapon, an M1909 Benét-Mercíe light machine gun. His comrade came up to him in a hurry and gave him an order before going back to his position.

"We're surrounded! We have to hold this line!"

The soldier then hefted his LMG and started making his way towards the rest. While he was going, a giant metal vehicle drove past him as well as a few soldiers who were busy dragging the dead and wounded comrades back to safety. When he finally met up with his allies, some explosions broke out all over the place as mortar shells rained upon them.

"They're coming!", a soldier yelled out.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats with morbid excitement, wanting to see how the battle played out.

"It's going down, guys. The battle is going down now.", Neptune shivered while grabbing the armrests tightly.

As soon as the soldier took position at the window and mounted his LMG, an officer blew his whistle loudly, signalling that the enemy force was now attacking.

"Here they come! Fire at will!", an officer yelled.

The soldier scanned the barren wasteland for targets as enemy infantry started charging his and his comrades' position with deafening war cries. Since the enemy's uniforms helped them blend in with the grim landscape so perfectly, the machine gunner resorted to open fire on anything that was seen moving instead.

"Maintain your position!", one of the officers barked.

Switching position, the machine gunner spotted a small group of three infantrymen charging up towards him. He instantly mowed the three men down in a hail of bullets without even properly aiming the gun, just unleashing death by firing from his hip.

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