Chapter 1: Prologue

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I do not own anything relating to RWBY and Battlefield 1. RWBY is belonged to Rooster Teeth and Battlefield 1 is belonged to DICE and EA. All names mentioned in this fanfic belong to their respective owners.

The ideas in this fanfic belongs to me.

All criticisms are welcomed, especially the ones that are constructive.

It was a beautiful and ordinary Saturday. The weather was nice, the birds were chirping happily, and on the streets of Vale three teams of hunters and huntresses-in-training were going around hanging out together. They were team RWBY, team JNPR, and SSSN. After the little fight at the docks some nights before, all members of teams RWBY and SSSN (except one) agreed to have a stroll in the city on the weekend to take their minds away from all the stress, with team JNPR just tagging along.

"The weather is sooooo nice today, don't you guys agree?", said a small raven-haired color girl with red streaks at the end of her hair.

"Yes it is, Ruby. Though I still believe we should be at our dorms and reviewing the lessons instead of going aimlessly out here.", grumbled a white-haired rich-looking teenage girl while holding a white parasol.

"Come on Weiss Cream, don't be so dense! You shouldn't just study all the time like that!", said a busty blonde girl with lilac eyes. "Also why did you bring that umbrella with you? You know what they say, people using umbrellas always seem to be... under the weather! Am I right, guys?"

Every member in the group, even the nearby bystanders that were within earshot, groaned at the blonde's bad pun. "For Oum's sake, Yang... Please, don't do that again...", groaned the group's resident cat faunus and everyone all nodded at that.

"I agree with Blake, that was just awful, Yang...", added a blonde boy from the group.

"You guys just don't have a good sense of humor at all.", the blonde girl, now known as Yang, just shrugged and retorted. "Also, up yours, Jaune the Vomit Boy!"

Everyone laughed and chuckled at that while the boy known as Jaune just groaned at that nickname. After walking and visit some places for a while longer, they were starting to get bored and started heading back to Beacon Academy, the school that trained future hunters and huntresses.

"What a waste of time! All we did today was walking around downtown Vale and do some sightseeing! We should have stayed at our dorms and did something productive instead of dragging ourselves out here.", Weiss ranted in her usual bratty attitude.

"Calm down, Snow Angel. At least we had fun and got to enjoy a nice sunny day, don't you think?", a light-blue haired boy replied before anyone can say anything.

"I-I suppose so, Neptune...", Weiss stuttered.

"Oooooo... Someone's in love.", Yang smirked.

"Sh-Shut up, you brute!", Weiss started to blush and yelled loudly at Yang. Soon, a small "friendly" verbal fight with Yang teasing and Weiss yelling broke out... and it was kind of annoying.

"Guys! Guys! Stop! Everyone's watching us! Besides there's no-... huh? What's this?", Ruby tried to stop the fight between Yang and Weiss only to be interrupted by her scroll's notification tone, alerting her that there was a message sent to her. However, she was not the only one got a message as one by one, the whole group also got a message, almost at the same time.

"Uh... that's something.", Sun, the monkey faunus in the group said.

"I think it's some kind of advertisement or something. Or maybe it's just a junk promo.", the group's redhead spartan, who was standing really close to Jaune, spoke up.

"Oh! Oh! Maybe there's a pancakes sale somewhere! Or free pancakes! Or free syrup! Or-!", said an overly excited orange-haired bombshell in the group.

"Calm down, Nora...", a boy with long black hair with a magenta streak sighed. "Besides, maybe it's just one of those junk promos like Pyrrha just said."

"Maybe you're right, Ren. But I'm still kinda curious about it...", Ruby replied. "Let's take a quick look, shall we?"

After receiving various nods in response, Ruby started reading the message aloud.

"Dear receiver,

Congratulations! You have been chosen to be one of the first few people who have a chance to view a movie called 'Battlefield 1' before its grand premiere. This movie is based on the events happened in the Great War and would be a great educational material for teaching history in schools.

Should you accept this offer, please click the link at the bottom of this message.

Best regards,

DICE Studio."

There was a small silence as everyone was taking their time to consider this offer. After a short while. Pyrrha was the first one to break the silence. "Maybe we should take this offer. After all, there aren't that many movies about this topic and like the message mentioned, we might even learn something new from this new movie."

"I agree with Pyrrha. We all can definitely gain new knowledge from this.", Weiss agreed.

"Though I'm not really into history-based movies and studying as much as Ice Queen over here,", Yang said only to receive a loud "HEY!" from Weiss, "I don't mind watching this one with you guys. Besides it's free, right? How can I say no to free stuff?"

"Alright! So, anyone accepts this offer say 'Aye'!", Ruby shouted excitedly, only to receive various forms of affirmative like a nods, "yes" or a quiet "aye", save for Nora as she shouted at the top of her lungs "AYEEEE!"

After recovering their hearings, everyone took out their scrolls and they all pressed onto the link. At first, nothing out of ordinary happened until...

"Uh, guys? Is it me or everything just stopped moving?", Blake asked while looking around worriedly.

"It's not just you, Blake. Everything except us indeed has stopped moving.", replied Jaune in a little panicked tone.

Suddenly, everyone started to slowly levitate off the ground and before they could even had a chance to scream, they all vanished in a bright brilliant light.

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