Kageyama caught it and looked at it a little confused.
"What's this for?"

"You said if you beat me earlier that i owed you milk... Just consider this a thank you." Hinata said while he started to take his lunch out of his bag.
Kageyama poked the straw into the carton.

"Aren't you going to eat lunch ?" Hinata asked when he noticed Kageyama hadn't gotten anything out.

"I would but when I went back to your house last night i forgot my bento at my house. So I don't really have anything to eat."

Hinata looked at his bento then and Kageyama and sighed.
"I have extra rice if you want it."

"You sure?"

Yeah! Besides you owe me meat buns after practice anyway." He smirked and handed the bento box to Kageyama.

"Your still going to practice?" Kageyama asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah my suppressants last for twelve hours. So I'll be fine!"

Kageyama ate the rice and gave Hinata his bento back.
"I'll walk you back to class" he said and he started to
get up. Hinata followed him. When they got to the hall that Hinata's class was in there was a boy who must've been a second year standing outside of the class opposite to Hinata's.  Hinata instinctively hid behind Kageyama.
Kageyama noticed this and looked at him and saw his uneasiness was aimed towards the boy standing there and that he was slightly shaking.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he looked back to the boy trying to figure out why Hinata was suddenly afraid.

"N-Nothing." He stuttered.

Kageyama got close to Hinata's face so that the other guy couldn't hear him.
"Did he do something to you?" He asked in the most serious and angry voice he had.

"No...Not to me."
"What do you mean?" Kageyama asked looking dead straight into Hinata's eyes giving him no other choice but to answer.

"When I was a 2nd year in jr high he was a 3rd year... he attacked several Omega's... one of them was my friend. I didn't know he came here." Hinata said.

Then they heard the guy say
Kageyama watched as  Hinata's eyes widened and he turned pale. 
Kageyama felt every muscle in his body tense up. Almost like he was prepared to beat the shit out of this dude if had to.

Luckily just then Hinata's teacher came into the hall and unlocked the door to her class.
"Ready for class?" She asked.
Hinata relaxed a little. Great full for her timing.
Kageyama grabbed Hinata's arm.
"Meet me here after class I'll walk with you to the gym.
Hinata nodded and disappeared into his class room.
Kageyama turned to the guy who was still standing in the hallway now wearing a smirk on his face.
Kageyama just gave him a look that pretty much said if you try anything I'll murder you and turned to walk to his class.

"Such a nice little omega isn't he?" He heard him say. He turned around about ready to lose it. But he'd already gone onto his class.

~Time skip time after class~
Kageyama went to Hinata's class to meet him.
He saw Hinata waiting for him and they headed to the gym.

"Will you toss to me?" Hinata asked as they walked.
"Maybe." Kageyama said back.
"It depends on what Daichi wants us to do for practice."

A Set Pair (Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now