[I] Tainted Angel

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There are three rooms inside the unit. Two rooms with twin beds and a solo room that ends up being use by the youngest angel. They all decided to take the whole day as their free time since the next day is the first day of school in the university.

Park Jeongwoo who can't get himself to sleep, keep tossing and turning around while starring at the white box placed on the side table. He slowly get up and opened the box only to see a rectangular thing.

"I heard that's a smartphone." he heard Mashiho muttered from behind.

"Is this smarter than Doyoung?"

"Are you damn serious?"

The younger quickly turned around. "Hey that's a bad word! Goodluck to your wings, your feather will start falling off!"

Mashiho shake his head in disbelief before proceeding to sleep while the angel of healing tried to familiarize himself with the smartphone.

On the other hand, Doyoung and Asahi whose sharing a room together lazily lay down on their own beds but they're definitely wide awake.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd?" The angel of wisdom asked while blankly starring at the ceiling.

"What do you mean?" Asahi replied and momentarily glance at the younger.

"Why do we have to chase over the immortals all by ourselves when the eternal guardians can do that? To think that there are seven of them and we are only five. It doesn't make sense to me at all."

The angel of healing chuckles while shaking his head. He then took a deep breath before sitting up straight on his bed and glance at Doyoung. "I've always thought you're too smart for your own good but i have to admit you do have a point."

"When we landed earlier, do you remember anything from your past life?"

That simple question made Asahi pause and think but no matter how hard he tried, he doesn't seem to remember anything aside from the basics which is the degree they finished a hundred years ago, their human name and age. "I can't remember anything. I don't remember who i was as a human."

Doyoung slowly nods. "Aside from chasing the deadly sins, maybe we can use this chance to remember our past lives."


Park Jeongwoo

It was exactly eight in the morning when i arrived in my first class with Doyoung. We settled down in the front row even though i don't really like being in front but it's not like i have a choice especially that I'm literally with the angel of wisdom. Heaven knows how attentive and eager he is when it comes to studying and stuffs.

I can't relate.

"When is the professor coming? He's almost 20 minutes late." I heard Doyoung complained.

I slowly shake my head and picked my notepad. "Maybe we should go. I heard the other students talking earlier, they said if a professor is 15 minutes late then we can go."

Doyoung raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "Are you sure?"


"Good morning, I'm sorry for running a bit late. I am Atty. Bang Yedam, I only teach major classes in this university. Welcome to my class!" The professor who just arrived said before i could finish what i was saying. Some of the students started whispering to one another because of his visuals.

From 6ft Under | HajeongwooOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz