1864 Chapter 19

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Dear Diary,

It was refreshing to finally have a true win under our belt with no strings attached. I always felt like we always won but at the very last second the plan was foiled by an unforeseen bad guy. But not this time. We knew better this time. We took the cure and pricked our fingers. It worked. We found Stefan sitting in his cell waiting. We handed him what was left of the cure. It also worked. At least in the future, where things never went as planned and we were constantly saving Mystic Falls from imminent doom, we knew what to do with our lives. Damon and Stefan never got the chance to have a life. Being a vampire ruined that. They simply existed and thirsted. They never got to be them. Have a family. Grow old, retire. None of that. To be honest I never thought I would either. I’m a nurse, Damon is a proud owner of a bar and Stefan? Stefan keeps the books for the logging company. 

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