I should've asked Sudha to help.

Back in Visala there were so many maids to help me with everything now everything feels so difficult to do

Just the thought of Visala brought tears to my eyes as a heavy lump settled in my throat. I shook my head trying to brush those unwanted thoughts away but it was unfeasible. Those golden days I spent in Visala with my family would never be forgotten even for a moment.

After numerous tries, I finally unhooked my blouse and walked toward the pool

I hissed as the icy cold water touched my skin. Taking a deep breath and shutting my eyes completely I went into the pool.

After sometimes adjusting myself properly I started to enjoy the bath without being bothered by the cold. The icy water relaxed my muscles and along with all the dirt it took away all the exhausts.

"There is no way I'm going spend the rest of my life here, in Aryanka. I've to get out of here" I muttered to myself going deeper into the water.

"But what can I even do" Closing my eyes I tried to think properly, rationally but those were the last thing I could do.

After I was done with my bath I put on the lahenga which was pretty comfortable unlike the ones I used to wear although the blouse was a bit tight and exposing for my comfort. Ignoring the uneasiness I went outside.

"Sudha" I called softly as I looked through the dark corridor but she was no where to be found.

"Sudha, I'm done here"

Not getting any response I decided to go back to that room instead of standing here all alone.

With purple lips tinged with blue and gently chattering teeth I hugged myself.

This had to be one of the coldest of the year.

Lost in my own world I didn't realize I had entered in a different mansion until I heard sound of blades slashing against each other.

My eyes widened as my hand reached my throat clasping it lightly. I looked for guards to seek help but they were no where.

Great! Now I'm lost.

"Su-Sudha" My shaky voice echoed through the silent dark hall.

My legs automatically dragged me toward the place from where sounds of blades were coming from. I knew this could be dangerous but then again danger seemed my eternal companion nowadays

The corridor soon came to an end revealing the most beautiful garden I had ever seen but it failed to catch my attention when my eyes fell on a man fighting against bunch of other men.

Only his back was visible to me as he swinged his sword effortlessly, not even giving the other men to even touch him.

My breath caught in my throat as my eyes wander all over his masculine sweaty body as he soon forced all the men to fell on their butts.

I had always been a worshiper of warriors and as a princess I was lucky enough to witness many great warriors but I could swear on Lord Krishna never had I ever witnessed such fine skill.

The man removed the rubber which was holding all his curls in a small ponytail and let his black curls fell over his shoulder


"Wha—" The person covered my mouth with her hand as I turned

"Don't yell" Sudha rebuked in a whisper as she pulled me in a corner

"Sudha! Thank God! Where were you?"

"I forgot I was supposed serve this juice to Prince Jay, sorry" She smiled sheepishly

"It's okay but don't do this again" I smiled.

"How did you end up here? Our prince is extremely strict about his practice, he doesn't let anyone come and disturb him"

"I was lost and—"

"You kids! What are you doing here? " I suddenly heard a heavy voice and turned around to see a middle aged man looking at us with frown on his face.

"I-" Clearing my throat I tried to find words

"We came here to serve this juice to prince, Mayi wasn't feeling well so she asked me to do it" Sudha grinned and before the man could say anything she dragged me along with her

"What's it with you always dragging me around" I complained removing her hand from my elbow

"Aww, you're so cute" She giggled and I arched my eyebrow

"You seem happy "

"Cause I'm happy" She winked.

I became tensed as we entered in the garden.

"Pranipat Rajkumaar Jay" Sudha bowed and Jay who was busy talking to other men turned.

"I've brought this drink for Mayi had to attend the princess today" Her voice was timid and lower than usual.

Although I was looking at the ground I could feel his piercing intense gaze on me, it made me so uncomfortable and nervous?

Why its making me nervous?

"Okay. Thank you Sudha" His deep voice cut through my heart and I clenched the edge of my veil.

Through my lashes I watched as his gaze fell upon me.

"What is she doing here with you ?"

I couldn't help but flinched at the way he referred me.

"She didn't want to stay alone, pardon me Your Majesty" Sudha apologized.

"Well don't do this again. She isn't supposed to left the room." His cold voice was too firm to disobey.

"Sudha isn't at fault Your Majesty" Before I could stop myself I heard my own voice sneering "I didn't know I was supposed to stay as a prisoner in this royal palace, I will try to restrain myself from doing any such thing in future"

For a moment the man in front of me almost seemed to be at shock, his hazel eyes went a bit wide for few seconds, and it did last for few seconds only and soon they were back to their normal selves.

Cold. Hollow. Mysterious.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it, instead he turned away taking a soft piece of cloth started to wipe the sweats off of his face and body .

"You may take your leave " He ordered without sparing us another glance and so we did.

"You shouldn't speak to the royal people like this I swear you will end up dead one day" Sudha exclaimed

"You're exaggerating. I was polite enough" I defended myself.

I was polite. Sarcastic but polite.

"Honey you will end up either dead or in prison, and that 'he' is the prince of Aryanka, the conqueror of whole world" She squeaked

Who knew it better than me? Sooner or later my identity would be revealed and then I would either be dead or in prison so before that I would have to escape.

"So why there weren't any guards? " I diverted the topic rather came to the main topic, that concerned me.

"Prince Jay doesn't like it, although there are guards but they are mostly prince's men and very few in number" She replied.

"Oh" I mumbled as a hazardous idea started to bloom

It's a do or die time


What did Shri mean by 'do or die time'? 🐨

Did you enjoy the chapter? Well I think it's a little boring but let's hope for the best :)

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