Chapter 33 - Angel

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September 10/11, 2025
Los Angeles, Ca.


I still couldn't believe that it was a girl. I was so sure it was a boy. I had even secretly bought a few boy things for the baby, because I just had this feeling. But I was wrong and I had a daughter now. I gave birth to a seven pound, eight ounce baby girl.

I had taken a small nap, but I just couldn't sleep. It felt weird not to be pregnant anymore. I had gotten so used to it. Instead, the nurse had brought me a bottle with some formula so I could feed Nicky.

Having the baby wasn't as hard as I thought it would. It just happened so fast, unlike when my Mom had the triplets. I don't really remember Landon being born because I was at the concert with Elijah and Donnie's Mom.

"Hey," I heard, looking up to see my Dad peek in. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I smiled, watching as he walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair next to it. "Karsyn went ahead and took the kids back with Donnie and Emmileigh went with Elijah to your place to get your stuff."

"And you stayed here?" I asked as he smiled. "I told you I would name the baby after you, didn't I?"

"I didn't think you were serious," he said, leaning over to look at her. "Her hair will darken, I'm sure. She looks like you, though."

"You think? I know she has my eyes," I said as my Dad nodded. "You like the name?"

"Love it... Karsyn does, too," he said as I looked down at Nicky. "I'm sorry I was an ass about you and Elijah at first and so hard on you..."

"Daddy, you've apologized, you don't have to anymore, really," I said, looking up at him. "I know you were just looking out for me and I'm kind of glad you were like that now, or else I might not have gotten with Elijah and have Nicky here."

"Who would have thought I would have been the first Backstreet Boy to be a grandpa," he said as I smirked.

"Maybe not if Baylee didn't turn out to be gay," I whispered as my Dad smiled. "I just hope I'm half as good a Mom as you are as a Dad. That's why I wanted to name her after you, because you didn't have to me my Dad, but you wanted to and you were and are awesome."

"God, you're gonna make me cry again," my Dad said as he moved up on the bed sat down on the edge, wrapping his arm around me to look down at Nicky. "You know when Tony finds out, it's gonna eat him alive."

"Thought about that," I smiled as he kissed the top of my head. "But Elijah and I both wrote down names and we both had some version of Karleigh Nickole. For a boy we had Nickolas Brody, so either way, he or she was going to be a Nicky."

"I love it, it's perfect," he smiled as I looked up at him and then at Nicky.



"So, Karleigh?"

I looked at Elijah as he walked ahead of me in the beach house. He'd needed to go back and get stuff for Haley and the baby, and I'd gone with him.

"You don't like it?" Elijah turned around to look at me.

"Elijah, I love it." I smiled at him. "But what made you decide to name her after me and Karsyn."

"You're our moms." Elijah simply said before running up the stairs.

I stayed where I was, looking around as I could hear Elijah opening and closing doors upstairs. Even though the beach house will always be Karsyn's to me, Elijah and Haley had really made it their own.

I walked through to the living room and smiled, seeing pictures from their wedding day sat on a shelf, as well as various other family pictures. And then a frame with a sonogram in.

It was weird seeing that they had their own place. And now a baby.

"I just need to unpack the car seat."

I turned around and smiled, seeing Elijah carrying a pink holdall and a baby pink blanket. They obviously had prepared for a boy or a girl. "It's not unpacked yet?"

Elijah chuckled. "No. We only got it a few days ago. I think it's in a garage."

"Want any help?"

Elijah shrugged. "Sure."

I followed him out to the garage, which was probably the most messiest place in the whole house. "Oh dear.." I looked around at the boxes and boxes of stuff."

"Yea, not all ours. We're waiting on Nick and Karsyn to come pick this stuff up."

I chuckled. "You'll be waiting a while.."

Elijah located the box and pulled it out. "You remember how to put these in a car, right?" He put the box down by our feet and looked at me.

"Like I could forget. I can show you."

We opened the box and pulled out the black car chair. Even though they didn't know it was going to be a girl, they had picked things that seemed to go well with the girl idea. Made me wonder if they secretly did know.

I showed Elijah how to put the seat in the car, and then took it out so he could try. He did it in one go, which I knew he would.

"Do you think I'm gonna be a good dad?"

I looked at Elijah as he shut the car door and leant against it. He looked tired, and strangely alot like Donnie. "Of course you are. Why are you asking that?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. It's kinda scary knowing this little person is depending on you to make sure they become a decent person. What if I fuck up?"

"You won't fuck up, Elijah. What's brought this on?"

He bit his lip for a moment before sighing. "Just thinking.."

I stepped closer and took his hand. "You won't turn out like Kim."

Elijah looked at me, but didn't look shocked I'd brought up his mum, which made me realise I had hit the nail on the head. "She's a part of me though, even if I haven't seen her in years."

"But your dad is a part of you, and you are so much like him. You have a kind heart, a big kind heart, and you are so much older and wiser than most guys your age. I have every faith in you that you will be the best father ever to Karleigh, and to any other child you have. Don't think about her, ok? She's not worth it." I smiled at him, and jumped when he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

"Thanks mom. I love you."

I blinked back tears and hugged my oldest boy back. "I love you too, baby."


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