Chapter 32 - Mrs. Right

Start from the beginning


Once Elijah and Haley left I went to gather the kids up, only to see the girls gone, and Jackson mopping up the floor.

I seriously don't think that kid can be Nick and Karsyn's. He was too smart to be theirs.

Still, I managed to round the girls up, and Belle before getting them in my car. I was lucky Savannah, Logan and Lenny were at after school clubs. Emmi was due to pick them up, so I called her as I started the car.

"Yes, I'll remember to pick the kids up.." Emmi answered, chuckling.

"Oh well I hope you will, but you'll have to take a detour." I replied, backing the car out the drive.


"HALEY PEE PEED!" Belle shouted out.


I sighed. "Haley's water broke."

"Holy fucking shit!" Emmi muttered, making Belle gasp.

"I know, so.. grab the kids now and meet us there, ok?"

"Ok. I'll be as quick as I can." Emmi hung up, leaving me with the curious kids in the car.

"Daddy.. how did Haley and Elijah's baby get inside her?" Belle's innocent voice asked the question I just didn't want to answer.

"The stork put it there." Mackenzie replied.

"No it didn't. She and Elijah.."

"THE STORK DID IT! SHUT UP JACKSON!" Kennedy shouted back, making me sigh.

"The stork did it. The girls are right." I glanced at Jackson, who pulled a face and turned to look outside. The kid was too smart. I'd have to pay him off just so he didn't taint my princesses mind.

It was bad enough Savannah was older than her years.



Landon bitched and moaned all the way to the hospital, but I didn't give a shit. He'd just have to bitch, there was no way we were not going to the hospital. I pretty much tossed him in the car when we left and hauled ass to the hospital. I'm surprised I didn't get a speeding ticket.

We walked up to the desk, where the lady told us what room Haley was in which meant they had already admitted her. We didn't see Donnie, Emmileigh or any of the kids, so we knocked on the door and Landon decided to sit in the hallway.

Come in...

Karsyn opened the door ahead of me and we walked in to see Haley sitting in bed and Elijah sitting next to her in a chair.

"Oh God, you're actually in labor, aren't you?" Karsyn asked, walking up to her.

"They said I was dialated to five already, it's happening quick they said," she said as I stood there and looked at Elijah who looked like he was about to freak out at any minute.

"I had you really quick too, almost an hour after my water broke," Karsyn said as I motioned for Elijah to come over to me.

"You freakin'?"

"A little..."

"I think I'm about to..."

"Why are you about to freak?" Elijah asked as I shrugged. "What do I do? I mean, I can't push for her..."

"Make sure they give her drugs, drugs are good, at least when they're for pain," I said as Elijah nodded.

"I think it's because we had so much sex last night..."

"This is not information I need..."

"Sorry... I'm just nervous."

"Just remember this when you want to have unprotected sex again," I muttered, feeling a little claustrophobic. Just then Haley started having a contraction and I remembered how freaked out I got both times Karsyn went into labor.

"Daddy, are you starting to freak out?" Haley asked as I nodded slowly.

"Come on Nick, let's go back outside and give them some space," Karsyn said, taking my hand. She told Haley we'd be right outside and she led me out of the room where Landon was sitting, looking at a copy of Sports Illustrated. "Nick, it's not your kid. YOu don't have to get freaked out."

"I got freaked out when Emmileigh went into labor, I always get freaked out," I muttered, sitting down to take a deep breath. "Now it's Haley in there..."

Then we heard screaming and knew she was having a bad contraction.

"See Landon, that's what kissing leads to," Karsyn said, looking at Landon who looked scared.



It was happening so fast. The baby wasn't due for another week or so, yet between me getting the call that Haley's waters had broken, and us getting to the hospital she had dialated to 5 centimetres.

And now in the space of 15 minutes she was up to 9.

She was pretty much ready to give birth, and cos the labour was going so fast they couldn't give her any drugs. They wouldn't set in in time, so she was stuck sucking on this long tube.

I gripped her hand and looked around as the midwife was ordering a couple of nurses around. Haley had a blanket draped across the top of her legs and the midwife was pretty much inbetween her legs. I could basically see everything if I wanted to.

But I didn't. And I couldn't anyways as Haley was gripping on to my hand for dear life.

"I'm so scared.." She whimpered, making me turn my attention to her.

"You're doing great, baby." I tried to smile at her as she squeezed my hand.

"I'm not.. it hurts.."

"He's right, you are doing brilliant. Haley.. you are 10 centimetres. On your next contraction I want you to push."

"How do I push?!" Haley shrieked out.

"You had lamaze classes right?"

Haley nodded and groaned. She was obviously getting a contraction.

"You bear down. Like you do when you go to the toilet?"

Haley nodded. "Ok.." She gripped my hand and looked at me with wide eyes at the doctor told her to push, and counted to ten before telling her to relax a moment.

During lamaze classes they told us that pushing could last from a few minutes to a few hours.

So imagine my surprise when the midwife held up our baby after Haley's second push.


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