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I looked into the mirror for a moment, seeing only my reflection. I miss Jack; I really do. I remembered him specifically telling me not to tap on the glass because it was too loud, but me whispering his name at the glass seems pretty useless. I put my hand against it and remembered the time that he made me feel better by proving that he was real. He put his hand against the glass and there was warmth there. He's alive. He's a living person inside of this mirror, and I hurt him by betraying his trust. How could I do such a thing?

"Jack?" I asked. "I've told you a thousand times, and I'll tell you a thousand more, I'm so sorry. I know that I can't tell anyone that you live in here. I know that they'll find you eventually if I had. I know that I really screwed up. Please don't be upset with me anymore. I don't know what I'm going to do all by myself anymore. I used to say that being alone is better than being with someone that can only hurt you, but I was wrong. You made me so happy. You still do. Whenever I think about you, I'm so happy. I'm so happy that I finally made a friend. And I can't go on pretending that I don't miss having my only friend in the world talk to me every day. " I rested my forehead against the glass. "Please just come back."

I heard a sigh from the other side of the mirror. There was suddenly a warmth against my hand. I looked up and saw him in all of his glory, Jack. "Jack!" I cheered too loudly. I didn't care to be quite honest. Dad was already furious that I turned out to be the crazy son he wished that he never had. I don't mind the title all that much to be fair. It's okay that no one likes me anymore. "You came back."

"It's better than listening to you mope around. Honestly, you're completely shameless." He shook  his head and tsked.

I laughed. "You said 'tsk.'" I pointed at him while I shook with laughter. 

"Are you okay though? That therapy session certainly did a number on you. Your father seemed as pissed as I'd ever seen him. And it almost broke my heart to see you come in here looking so sad."

I bit my lip. I couldn't tell him everything about it, but I could give him the important details. "I had a panic attack after the therapist started talking about my family. I forgot to drink medicine, so it was really bad. I didn't know what to do with myself after my father seemed so upset. I don't know why he thinks that I can control it. Maybe he had it in his head that me talking it over with someone would help to fix me."

"You can't fix what's not broken," Jack said simply, looking up. His cheeks looked flushed at the thought of his own complement.

"Th-thanks. That was sweet." I sighed after I said it. That sounded so ridiculous. 

"Did she mention....him?" He looked cautious to ask the question. At least some people understand sensitive territory. 

"That's what set me off. I don't know why it does, but that always does it for me. It's a rather annoying trigger, isn't it?"

"It's perfectly reasonable. That was a traumatic event in your life."

I hesitated before I asked the question. "When you got trapped in the mirror by your people, you said that you made a terrible mistake. What exactly did you do? Because I have a pretty strong feeling that it has something to do with death."

"I don't want to talk about it."

I sighed. Maybe I'd get it out of him another time, but until then I'd have to respect his privacy. "Alright." I turned to leave the bathroom, but paused at the doorknob. "Hey, Jack?"


"If you could get out of that mirror, what would you do then?"

"I don't know." He shook his head and bit his lip. That's a strange reaction. I thought that he wanted to get out. Oh well, maybe he gave up hope or something.

"Well, you should start thinking about it. I'm going to get you out soon." I flashed him a smile. 

Jack smiled back. "Yeah. Can't wait."

I cocked my head. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, yeah. Just a little bit tired. I think that I'm going to go and sleep for a little bit. I'll be right here if you need me though."

What was I thinking? Of course he's okay. He's probably just sleep-deprived from how much I've been keeping him up lately. Especially since we could text now. I barely slept at night, and now he couldn't even sleep during the day because I'd be texting him. I left the bathroom, shaking my head. I'd let him sleep for the rest of the day. He probably really needs it after all. 

I walked downstairs to my Mum making dinner. She didn't like to be disturbed while she was working, so I simply sat down on the couch in the living room, keeping to myself. "Your father tells me that the therapy session didn't go well."

"So you keep saying." That would mark today the third day in a row that she's mentioned it.

"Don't get attitude with me. I can't remember what I do and don't say." Her tone became harsh. 

"Sorry, Mother. No, the therapy session did not go well. I didn't even finish it because I had a panic attack."

"I think that you should try another one. Helen recommended it."

Since when is she the end-all be-all? "I understand. But I'm not sure that this is the greatest idea. Why can't one of you guys just talk to me or try and help me. I mean, isn't that kind of your job as a parent?"

"I don't know how to make you better. Therapists do know how to make you feel better."

"I would feel better if you'd pay attention to be once in a while. If you didn't think that I was crazy. Even if I do have an imaginary friend, you're too ignorant to understand why I would possibly need one. "

"Just sit there and accept the fact that your father and I are trying to help you. Be grateful that we even care."

I shook my head. That.....thing.....is not my mother. "What happened to you? I know that you care about me, Mum. I never doubted that. I just wish that you and Dad would respect the fact that I would rather talk to someone who knows me instead of someone who has to figure me out from notes and a case file."

"I wish that I could help you, Alex. I really do, but I don't want to hurt you. If you get too close, I'll hurt you. I'm sorry. You have to see someone who can really help you. "

I sighed. That was my mother talking, my real mother. And she just admitted that she's doing something that's changing her into someone that would hurt me. 

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