"Monarch" The girl spook, her voice showing nothing from before.

"How the hell-" she cuts me off "Monarch, I'm Fallen, my superior sent me on a mission in which led me to searching to find you" I scoffed how old is this kid really? "Tell your 'superior ' I dont work for any one but myself "

Fallen shook her head sighing twitching her Neck to the left though seemed to get harmed by this act reacting in her hissing. "ma'am you've already been targeted, not only by me, my superior, or my teammates, but by our enemy as well, " she reached her hand into her bag and pulled out a rolled up paper holding it up to me. "Take it" i sigh "youre the one who called me aren't you? " I ask taking the paper with my suspicions. Fallen shook her head "no I'm afraid Rogers did that ma'am, I hope to see show up tonight, it'd be a shame to watch your talent be wasted" with that she turned around walked out and then kinda disappeared.

I looked down at the rolled up paper. Who rolls up paper anymore? I shake my head and sigh opening it.

'I'm not going to write an entire essay for you, meet us at the park 11 pm sharp '
I huffed and made my way out of the alley to make my way home. I'd like to get some sleep in.

But that wasn't such a good idea...

I opened my house door closing and locking it behind me, I make my way to the couch which I happily throw myself into.
I close my eyes and sleep makes one quick movement to drag me into it.

Le dream~~~

I slowly open my eyes and look around, I was in a building, duh, but it seemed eerie...

"(Y/N)!" I turn around to see a little blonde haired girl with tears brimming her eyes.
I speak without thinking "what is it May?"
" daddy floating and he won't come down! "
Daddy's floating...
Oh my god...
I hear a scream from another room and grab May covering their eyes and ears as I cry.

I'm so confused.
Where am i?
Who am i?
Who is May?
Why am I here?

I shake my head and look up again and I'm Suddenly outside. May seemed to be a bit ahead of me staring into the forest before turning to me.

"(Y/N) I see Maya!" And then she turned back towards the woods and ran. Ran into them like the meaning of life was in there. I couldn't run after her. I went to scream but nothing came out.

Why do I suddenly care so much?

I woke up again, this placed seemed... Less happy...
I got up and walked out of the room, I searched the house for someone and found no one. It seemed kinda bad. I walked outside not bothering to lock the door. Across the street was a group of kids, they seemed to be just messing around from afar but I knew better.

"MAY!!" One of the girls in the group jumped and looked at me, turning to her friends then her and the group made their way over to me. "Hey (y/n)" one of the other kids muttered.

I looked down at May, and surprise surprise, she looked identical to 'Fallen' expect, younger.

I felt a sharp pain run threw me before it all faded to black.

Le dream ends cause I'm a lazy fool and I'm in pain~

i woke up looked at the clock. 10:48, time to get a move on.

Well I'd better be going.

-time skip again to park. Why? I'm not going to describe a drive to u again-

I made it to the park, around 10:58 which means I just barely made it early.

I was sitting on the bench I had sat on early and played with me ring, although I couldn't remove it i could still move it.

I heard someone clear their throat from behind me, as well as what seemed to be tics. I turn around to see May, but with a mask on, and a, probably teenage boy who left arm seem to having a little spasm party before switching to a different body part creating uncomfortable to hear cracks and tics, they probably felt like what they sounded like.


She held her handing front of her in a silence motion.
"It's a pleasure to meet you myself, this is Rogers, but we have the unfortunate luck to call him Toby, a college of mine" she motioned to the ticking boy, it was fairly dark out so I couldn't make out their features as clearly right now.

He waved but didn't seem interested. "Please follow us" Fallen said as 'Toby turned to the forest, smacked the back of Fallens head and ran into the woods.

"Actually, just follow me."Fallen muttered making her way into the forest, me following.

The walk was longer then I thought and when we finally came to a stop we were in front of a small cabin where Toby was already waiting kicking a pebble around.

Fallen walked to the door and pulled a key out, unlocked the door allowing Toby to run in as if his life defended on entering the house. I could feel Fallens eye roll.

"Please enter" Fallen said.
"Why of course" I respond walking into the cabin Fallen closing the door behind us.

"So, why do you need me?"

Sorry writing that took a while I'm s little caught up I'm school work and I was grounded. Trust me it just turned 3am. Anyways hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time on this story.

don't over think it. (Masky/Tim x reader) (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now