chapter 2

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"Where's Cloe?" at that moment we see Cloe tumbling her bike over another making them fall like dominos

"She's here." Sasha said with a sign of relief

-" Hi, guys." she said panting her way over to us

"- Hey, girl."

"Okay, it's a big school. It's the first day. We're just freshmen.What are we gonna do?" Yasmin said waiting for an answer


- Own it!

- Right.

we put both hands in the middle and yelled

"BFFs!" and giggled a bit i guess

they all walked of except for Jane

"Guys. HeIIo!" she said pointing at her really really unfashionable clothes

- Re-huddle!

"I'm gonna own cheerIeading." Sasha stated

"I'm gonna try out for soccer." Cloe said

"Yas, you have to join chorus. You know you have the most insane voice ever." we convinced her

"Not a chance. Remember kindergarten? Me, ''Mary Had a LittIe Lamb,'' throw-up, 30 kids screaming?............ Yeah. I think I'II own journalism instead.

"I'm owning' the science" Jane said from underneath.

"Okay, work the IQ, girl, but please don't Lose your passion for fashion." Sasha said hoping it was a yes

"Just to keep Mom and Dad off my back. but I'm also gonna rue home ec.I'm gonna need sewing machines for projects. I'm gonna have the hottest clothes ever."

Break.(symbol for unhuddle)

"Wow." they said stunned of Jane

she was wearing really nice clothes as in really cool shirt but it was covered by this really hot jacket and ankle high buffy pants i think she could win president of the hot clothes

"Okay, girls".

"Now Iets do it."



"Now, being president of the school is a huge responsibility. And it is one that I take very seriously.

Just sit here, Paris." i said confidently

i kiss my extremely cute dog and put it on a chair

"avery, quin please pay attention" i could hear there heavy breaths as the group of boys speask to each other a few meters away

"I need to become very familiar with the clique Lunch table assignment chart. Because, as you can see, there are 48 distinct cliques." i opened up a map from her book and pointed to each one as i said them "Let me break this down for you, you have the goths, the skaters, the disco dorks, the beat boy bIingers the gangstas, the wanna-be gangstas, the pretzeI peopIe who are into yoga, very different from the greenies who hate anything not made of pIants.Then you have the nerds, the kids who Iike to dress Iike dinosaurs, and the footbaII jocks." i stated them all, i hope they didn't get confused

"oh hi n little freshmen, i am merida" i said to a rather large man up at the server "so um any clubs" i got out a smaller copy of the maps and opened up the texter lid

"no" she shook his head




bratz!(real life)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang