chapter 4

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"what are you doing for the fashion show" Quin said

"who cares what she is doing she is going to win" Avery answered

"Just because I'm going to win doesn't mean that I don't owe aII of my fans a reaIIy cooI show." Merideth stated

"true" they held there hands on their chests

"hey what do you think" a clown who was juggling on a bouncy ball said

"uh juggling? so not talent show ready" she defiantly inspired him

two sets of stairs meet with all the classes in the middle merideth saw cameron on one side and cloe on the other and she new what they were gona do if they met, she grew in envy, as she heard them starting a conversation.

she spoke to her dog

"Okay, Paris, we're a team, and Mommy needs your heIp. I need you to go over there. Yes, I do. And I need you to make sure that Cameron stops taIking to the eviI soccer freak.

Okay? Okay? Thank you." she started shaking her around then let her free

"wow hi i er-"

"I'm Cloe"

"I'm Cameron"

"yeah i know"

"what classes are you in?"



Merideth's dog grabbed the bottom of her pants and pushed down... all the food that was in her tray went dropping down and suprisingly hit Jade and then she got real angry

"CIoe! You are the biggest kIutz ever! You aIways ruin everything-" she slipped on the spaghetti and fell onto the bin with wheels and the bin started to move around the area with Jade on it

"oh no" Cloe exclaimed

"CLOE!!!!" Jade screamed out still on the bin going around the place

the rolling came to a stop Jade hit into the cheer leading table where Sasha was and her food flipped over and spilt all over Sasha

"omg i am so sorry" Jade pleaded

"uuhhhh" Sasha said removing the pasta from her eyes

"Oh! No! You didn't! Jade, you totaIIy did that on purpose!" Sasha scowled

Sasha left her seat and got up... moving across trhe table she step on the skate board and fell on her back, while the skate board just kept rolling and the same thing happened to Yasmin except she went face first onto her food on the table and rolling off like dominoes.

"OMG!!! my hair" Yasmin screeched she looked up at Sasha " Sasha you stupid..........cheerleader"

"oh you did not just say that" Sasha threatened "Keep taIking!

Someday you'II say something intelligent."

Sasha threw food at Yasmin

"you know what! your not as bad as people say you are............ YOUR WORSE THAN THAT!!!!!!" Yasmin said throwing cake at Sasha


soon enough the whole school was throwing food. from nerds to jocks to computer people to everything.

all four girls surronded the "principle dimly" statue and started throwing food everywhere,they didn't notice it was about to fall

all of a sudden the statue falls and everything is silent no more food fight now......

bratz!(real life)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum