86 - r e a l l i f e (end)

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"I woke up from a never ending dream, I shut my eyes at seventeen, I lost every moment in between," Brooklyn sang quietly, strumming her guitar softly and slowly as the sunrise began to engulf her, pausing priestly before singing again, "I felt th...

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"I woke up from a never ending dream, I shut my eyes at seventeen, I lost every moment in between," Brooklyn sang quietly, strumming her guitar softly and slowly as the sunrise began to engulf her, pausing priestly before singing again, "I felt the sun rise up and swallow me,"

Harry stared at her from the doorway from the bedroom into the living room, an unknowing smile spread on his face as he stared at the woman he loved with tired eyes.

"I liked that," He remarked, causing her to look up and blush, "Very poetic, very meaningful,"

"It's just a little something," She spoke, her voice barely above a whisper as he handed her a cup of coffee.

"Isn't that how you've described all of your greatest songs?" He smiled, sitting down on the couch next to her.

"This is different, this is my actual feelings," The corners of her lips twitched upwards into a smile, she didn't need validation but she enjoyed it anyway.

The cold morning air stood aloof in between them as the two of them sipped their coffee, muffled talk echoing through the large apartment.

"Your eyes are so blue," Brooklyn stated. Her head rested in her hand which was propped up by her elbow on the acoustic guitar on her thighs.

"You only just noticed?" He stifled a laugh.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "I think they're beautiful. Your best feature, by far," She joked.

He laughed, "Thank you, love,"

She went back to fiddling with the strings on her guitar, leaning forward every once in a while to write down guitar notes on her music paper.

"I crashed down from a high that felt so real, I never knew how much it would hurt to feel..." She sang just above a whisper, trailing off, "What rhymes with 'real' and 'feel'?" She looked up at him and brushed her hair behind her ears.

Harrison scrunched his eyebrows, thinking, "Uh, heal? Deal?"

She took in his words, pondering it over for a moment.

"You gotta hurt sometimes to learn to heal, you gotta get back up and learn to deal, yeah," She strummed, a small smile spreading on her face as she leaned forward to write down such lyrics.

He stared at her as though she was an open field of lavender, or sunflowers, or daisies maybe. A field set with the golden light of sunset, a beautiful sight. Divine in every way.

"Do you remember, in one of our first few conversations, and you said something horribly self deprecating?" He began, seemingly randomly, "And I said 'I bet there's nothing to insult' and then you said-"

"'If you knew me, you'd say otherwise'. Yeah, I remember, why?" She finished his sentence, still scribbling down words and notes on her paper.

"Oh, I just wanted to bring it up because as it turns out, I was right," He smirked.

Brooklyn shook her head and allowed a laugh to escape her lips, mumbling a 'whatever' while her eyes returned to her string instrument. The smile on her face seemed almost permanent now.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks when she finally looks up at him, uncertainty in her eyes. The pale yellow sun poured through the ghastly curtains.

"Harry!" She laughed when he only continued to make eye contact, "Stop looking at me like that!"

"I can't help it. You're beautiful," He grinned, pushing his glasses up his nose with his finger.

"Shut up," She turns her attention back down to the guitar, his blue eyes never broke his stare.

"Harry, stop-"

"Marry me," He said abruptly.

The brunette chocked on air, staring at him with wide eyes and slightly scrunched eyebrows, "What?"

"Marry me. Be Mrs. Osterfield, or Grey, whatever you want to be. Just, let's do it. Let's get married, what do we have to lose?" He breathed, sitting up straight and moving closer to her, "I feel like I never lived a moment of my life before I met you. And, I don't want to live a moment without you,"

"You must still be drunk from last night," She said, shaking her head and trying to hide the excitement that grew within her.

"Maybe, but I've never felt more sober in my life. I love everything about you, Grey."

"We've only been public for two months and we've only been together for half a year-" She spiralled, laughing nervously as he held both of her hands in his, "And you're leaving in 2 days,"

"Ignore all that, Grey," He laughed, the smile never wavering from his face, "Look how happy we are! I don't want anybody else, ever. I love you,"

They started at each other for a moment, a look of disbelief on Brooklyn's face as she pondered.

"So? Will you, Brooklyn Grey, marry me?"

She bit her lip and let out a small squeal, "Yes! Yes, of course! I love you,"

He laughed and cupped her face, pulling her in until their lips collided.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, laughing slightly, their faces not even an inch apart.

"I don't know!" She exclaimed, a big toothy grin plastered on her face as she kissed him again.

A/N:and that's all folks! i think this is a super cute chapter to end it on but let me know what you guys think!

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and that's all folks! i think this is a super cute chapter to end it on but let me know what you guys think!

as always, thank you guys so much for reading! be sure to follow my profile for more social media stories!

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