51 - c a l l

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harrison : bold
brooklyn : italics



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You alright?

I'm good, your
voicemail was cute.

I thought you
didn't listen
to voicemails

It was from you,
what else did you
expect me to do?

You're adorable.

I'm not, but your
voicemail was.

{laughs} Shut up.

What're you
doing today?

My days half over,
love. But I went for
a run and then ate
all of the calories I
burnt almost straight
away {chuckles} You?

I hate time zones
{pouts} But if you're
not immediately
gaining all of the
calories back after
exercise then what's
the point?


Uh, I don't have much
planned today. Jackie's
already drunk and wants
to, quote on quote, fuck
up her hair some more.
So, I think that's what
I'm doing

Sounds fun

Would be better if
you were here {pouts}

I wish I was {sighs}
But, you know, you
could always come
and visit me

{gasps} I totally
could! Are you
inviting me?

You can assume
that you are always
invited to come
and see me.

{giggles} Are you being
serious? Because I will
straight up buy a plane
ticket right now.

'Course I'm being
serious {laughs} I
miss your dumb face

Aw, I miss your dumb
face too {gets in car
and puts phone on
speaker} Okay, I'm
heading to Jackie's but
then I'm buying my
ticket and you're not
allowed to complain.

There wouldn't be
anything to complain
about {smiles}
Drive safe.

I will, bye Haz!

Bye, Grey


did i pull an all nighter writing these next few chapters? yes. did i regret it come 6am? absolutely. will it stop me from doing it again? unclear. ask again later.

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