3 - d o c u m e n t a r y

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Originally, as mentioned in the first book, this was planned to include Shane Dawson. This is no longer happening because of Shane's questionable character 😂

The way I envision the
documentary on the band is this:

Episode 1:
The band. Their origin, their music, their process, their friendship, their traditions.

Episode 2:
Kellin Jackson & his life.

Episode 3:
Booker Heed's life

Episode 4:
Jackie Laque's life

and finally

Episode 5:
Brooklyn Grey & her life up until the OD.

The following is just one fragment of episode 6 and will have taken place 5 weeks after the previous chapter :)

Bold = Jasmine (interviewer)
Italics = Brooklyn

So, now that we've
walked through
basically your whole
life {laughs}

{laughs nervously as
the two of them sit on
the couch of Brooklyn's

You got released from
the hospital in, what,

{nods} Yeah, I went in on the
18th of January, obviously.
Then, after about five days
of being in the actual
hospital, they transferred
me to a psychiatric wing,
by my own request.

Oh, so you actually
chose to stay for the
extra month?

Yeah, in all honesty,
it really helped {laughs

How did you get
to that point? The
point where OD'ing
was in your mind?

It never was. It was
completely accidental.

{gasps} Oh, really?

I was drunk. Like, literally,
had not stopped drinking
from eleven in the morning
until ten at night. I had the
drugs, and I was alone.
{looks at Jasmine}

How did you feel? I
know it's a little bit
of a deep question
but I remember when
I was super depressed
and suicidal that I felt
like nobody could
help me.

No, it's okay. {fiddleds
with sleeves of hoodie}
I tried to call a friend,
y'know, somebody to
turn to and just talk
me down off the edge.
{pauses} But, they
didn't answer. And-
and I'm not saying at
all that what happened
was their fault or that
they had any obligation
to talk me down. {sighs}

{Places hand
on Brooklyn's}

{laughs nervously} And,
I kinda just thought to
myself "Hm, there's
another way I could
stop feeling like this,"

I think that's to
scary. To know
that somebody
can mean so
much to you that
you would entrust
them to talk you
off a ledge like that.

{nods head} but I'm
doing a lot better now.

I can see that, you
even let your natural
hair colour come
through! {claps
and laughs}

{laughs} Yeah, the
therapist at the hospital
said that it might be a
good idea to hold off on
altering my appearance.

We noticed that your
friend, Awsten, now
basically lives here?

Yeah, {smiles} he moved
in just after I got out. I
didn't wanna be alone
and he offered

What a good friend {laughs}

He is {grins} he's the best.

So, I wanna know
if you have any plans
for this year? Obviously,
you said that the
therapist also told you
that it would be a good
idea to lay off work
for a while.

Yeah {nods} I'm still
writing music just more
for fun, y'know? I'm not
trying to record it or to
perfect it, I'm just doing
it for me {grins} I may
not ever release any
of this stuff but I just
love the writing

{Nods} Yeah, that's
really good to hear.
You have no idea how
happy it makes me to
see you doing so well
after going through
so much.

Aw, Jasmine! {wipes
tear} Making me cry!

{they hug while laughing}

One final thing that
a lot of people are
curious about, are
you still going to the
Infinity War premiere
with Tom Holland?

I'm not sure, yet. {sighs}
I really wanna go to
support Tom and Zendaya
and the rest of the cast but
I feel like it might be too
overwhelming for me to go.

But the rest of the
band are definitely

Yeah, I told them I'd
kill them if they threw
away the opportunity
to see such a good
film {laughs}

{Cackles} Literally me.
Well, I think that's
everything for the
filming process.

Thank you for giving
me this opportunity,
Jasmine {stands up and
gives Jasmine a huh}

Aw, Brooklyn. I'm
so happy we got to do
this. Again, I'm so
proud of you.

You're like the mom I
never had {laughs}


But I'm just happy you
gave me the chance to
talk about everything.
In all honesty, I couldn't
think of anybody else
that I would have done
this with. You're an icon

That's the nicest thing
anybody's ever said to
me {sarcasm laughs}

{giggling} When do you
think you'll post this
whole thing?

Uh, I think because of
how we're spacing it out,
an episode a week, {takes
a deep breath} your
episode will be out like
beginning of May.

{Jasmine and Brooklyn share one more hug before Brooklyn waves them off}

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