Bunking at Savanaclaw

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[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Foyer]

JADE: Are you both ready?
FLOYD: See you, Little Shrimp and Earless Seal~ Safe journeys~
JADE: Ah, if you have nowhere to stay, please feel free to ask us.
JADE: It is possible to reserve Octavinelle Dorm's guest room for 10,000 Madol a night.

Y/N: Not on your life!

As Y/N got the last of her pokemon in their pokeballs, she made sure the twins would not get their hands on them.

(Door closes)

GRIM: Wait a sec...! "Earless seal"?! Was he talking about me!?

(Cold wind blowing)

GRIM: We're gonna be camping under the stars in this weather, huh... That's gonna be tough...

Y/N glares at Grim Whose fault do you think it is...?

DEUCE: Hey, Yuu! Grim!
GRIM: Wha–!? Are you guys here to save us!?
ACE: We don't care about you, Grim. But it's kinda our fault that Y/N in this situation, isn't it?
ACE: It's gonna be bad if he caught a cold or something?
GRIM: Stop acting shy, will you?
DEUCE: We've already talked with Prefect Rosehearts about it.
If you're okay with sleeping in our four-person dorm room, it shouldn't be a problem.
JACK: Won't it be too crowded if you add another person to a 4-person dorm room?
Does Heartslabyul have any free rooms?
DEUCE: Our dorm hasn't had any expelled students, so unfortunately there's no free room.
JACK: Then... Why don't you stay over at Savanaclaw Dorm?
JACK: I bad-mouthed Azul a lot, but I still couldn't do anything in the end.
I'm pretty sure that Leona-senpai and the others won't object after all the help you gave during the Magical Shift Tournament.
DEUCE: Oh-ho~?
ACE: Heh~ Jack's a really nice dude deep inside, huh~
GRIM: That's pretty unexpected, yanno~~
JACK: D-don't get me wrong!!
It'll just be troublesome for me if Y/N doesn't win against Azul!
ACE: Sure, sure, whatever floats your boat~ Sides, she's faced more devious two-faced people before.
DEUCE: I feel like Y/N will be able to sleep better if we go with Jack's suggestion.
ACE: Your only choice in our dorm is to either sleep on the floor or with me or Deuce. Oh, maybe you'll like that better~?

Inteleon glared at him for that comment.

Y/N: I'll take my chances with Savanaclaw, thank you.

JACK: Then let's hurry and go back. It's almost 12 already... (yawns)...
ACE: Alright, see you tomorrow~
DEUCE: Good night.

The next day..

[LOCATION: Savanaclaw Dorm – Magift Stadium]

GRIM: Moving your body in the morning feels better than I thought, yanno!
JACK: Right? I wake up an hour earlier and go jogging by myself.
GRIM: Th-that's... I think that's already overdoing it, yanno...? So you're already training for next year's Magical Shift Tournament, huh. You guys look like you'd be formidable rivals, yanno?
RUGGIE: Not exactly. During April, every year, a tournament bigger than the intra-dorm tournament is held.
Y/N: There's a bigger tournament held?!
LEONA: It's an Interschool Competition.

That got Y/N's attention as she finished feeding her pokemon.

Y/N: There are other magic schools?

RUGGIE: Yeah. Just like the name suggests, it's a Magical Shift tournament held with other schools
LEONA: Our school competes with Royal Sword Academy every year.

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