Magift Frenzy

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It had been a few days since Riddle's overblot incident and things were gradually getting back to normal. Y/N was under the shade of a tree reading over notes again when she heard a commotion. Something about people signing up for something.

"What's going on?" She asked Ace and Deuce who were among them.

"Hey Y/N! People are signing up to participate in Magical Shift." Ace said in excitement.

"Magical Shift?" Grim asked.

"It's a world-famous sport. They have a professional league and even world competitions." Deuce added before Ace continued.

"Magical Shift... A.K.A. Magift, is a sport played by two teams made up of seven players.

To put it simply, you try to take a disc from each other and try to shoot it at the goal positioned in the opponent's territory. The team who scores the most points is the winner." Ace explained.

"Oh, it's kinda like a Pokemon Battle or Contest?" Y/N asked.

"Are those sports from your hometown?" Ace asked.

"Yeah." Y/N said. "You could say that. But where I come from, it's like a mania. A Pokémon battle is a form of competition between Pokémon. In these battles, one or more of the Pokémon is typically owned and trained by a person, its Pokémon Trainer, in order to win.

When a Pokémon faints in battle, its Trainer may send out another to take its place, drawn from their party.

Originally, a Pokémon battle would be a one-on-one fight between two or more Pokémon, six at the most for each side. Some rules can be different, but the goal is the same: the Pokemon fight till all the opponent's pokemon have been defeated or are no longer able to battle." Y/N summerized.

"I see... But I think it'd be difficult to have you guys appear in a Magift tournament." Trey said.

"Why?" Grim asked.

"Magical Shift is a sport that uses magic. You carry the disc with magic, and all attacks and defenses used require magic as well." Deuce explained.

"Part of the player's appeal is when they exhibit super flashy magic, too~♪" Ace added.

"That is why Night Raven College is a world-renowned powerhouse when it comes to Magical Shift!" Deuce explained, adding his input. "A lot of the school's alumni play in professional leagues now! On top of that, Magical Shift is a sport that tests not only physical skills but also one's magical skills. Professional teams will be observing our school's intra-dorm Magift Tournament. A lot of renowned magicians around the world will come to watch. There will be a lot of shops lined up during the tournament as well, and they will be exhibiting products from all over the world. It is a very important and exciting event that's broadcast via television worldwide."

"It's televised!? Wow, it's a huge contrast compared to Football in that sense." Y/N thought.

"People around the world will be watching!? Then, if we entered and win that tournament, everyone in the world will know about me!?" Grim said in excitement.

"Of course, players who do exceptional and win in the tournament are invited to join professional teams, so it is a given that it comes with popularity, too." Riddle smirked.

"In Grim's case, people will be surprised to see that a monster is participating in the tournament. Even more with Y/N and her pokemon." Trey added.

"Ah, but sadly, Grim can't participate~" Cater said in mock sadness.


"It's an intra-dorm competition, which means you need about seven people to enter. Your dorm doesn't have seven people, right? That is why you can't participate." Trey pointed out.

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